Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia

 Average prices in Nicosia

Cost of living in Nicosia

The city of Nicosia offers a tranquil way of life. Nicosia successfully creates the ideal link between an extravagant lifestyle and a great, nature-filled lifestyle. Nicosia is a beautiful city to live in, offering all the benefits of the Mediterranean Sea and the diversity of various civilizations. This city shines with its potential just as much as it does with its ability to draw large numbers of people with its beauty. Nicosia generates and supports many new jobs thanks to its heavy tourism flow. Over the past ten years, people's perceptions of a comfortable and happy existence have evolved from congested, opulent cities to more laid-back and unstructured settings. Nicosia continues to be a top destination for new residents due to its ability to successfully combine aspects of a tranquil lifestyle with the excitement of city life. Nicosia is a terrific option if you're looking for a new spot to settle down because of its excellent rent and general living expenses. Let's look more closely at Nicosia's living expenses as a whole.

Living in Nicosia is affordable compared to other major capitals and cities, especially given the benefits and unique aspects of the city. Nicosia offers a high-quality life for the very little money needed for an individual or family to live there without financial difficulties. Cyprus is an island with a small amount of production and relies on other means to keep itself viable, yet there are still basic necessities and even luxuries that may be easily accessible. In Nicosia, a wide variety of different lifestyles might be maintained. People can choose between a life of luxury and a life of kindness on a tiny farm. Nicosia is undoubtedly a fantastic place to live since it can meet so many different requirements and interests. In this post, I will discuss some cost of living in Nicosia.


What might one possibly require to survive? In Nicosia, a 12-ounce small bottle of water costs $0.64. It costs $1.38 and $4.02 for an alternative like Coke, Pepsi, or foreign beer if you want. You pay $3.48 per cup for the cappuccino that you often order.


People in Nicosia must have unprocessed food to survive. Markets typically sell this kind of food for a reasonable price.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are priced at less than a dollar a pound, but a pound of white rice costs $1.53. The price per pound for potatoes and onions is no more than $0.30. On average, a nice bottle of Nicosian wine costs $7.46.


While the taxi start is worth $4.02 and the cost per mile is not less than $1.35 at the standard rate, an hour of waiting in a taxi cabin costs $22.97. The car dealers are constantly available to assist you in selecting the most acceptable vehicle for driving in Nicosia. A brand-new Volkswagen Golf or comparable vehicle would cost $21,244.20. Purchase a Toyota Corolla 1.6L or similar vehicle for $20,670.03.

Residents of Nicosia get invoices each month for their use of mobile phones, the Internet, waste collection, and water supplies. If you're a member of the society, be prepared to spend up to $126.04 on essential utilities. The cost of unrestricted Internet with cable or ADSL is $43.97 per month. The price of the mobile connection to the family is set at $0.10 per minute, and there are no discounts or programs.

Sports and leisure

If you are not a tennis lover, a single visit to a gym in Nicosia is worth the $59.23 cost. On average, a tennis match on the weekend costs $22.82 per hour. Cinephiles can disregard the information as a single ticket at the Nicosian cinema costs just $10.27.

Month rent

Find out right now what your house in Nicosia is worth. A one-bedroom apartment costs $521.68. The cost of a three-bedroom apartment in the area is a little bit more at $941.46. Similar locations outside the city cost $455.33 for a one-bedroom unit and $802.62. (3 bedrooms).

Clothing and shoes

Who said they wouldn't go shopping in Cyprus's capital? A memorable mistake is missing the opportunity to enter neighborhood stores and well-known boutiques in search of chic apparel and footwear. Regular jeans, such as the Levi's 500, cost $76.21, a summer dress from Zara costs $43.57, and a pair of men's leather shoes for the workplace costs $102.71.

Even if daily life in Nicosia varies greatly depending on where you are, some expenses must be met if you want to stay in this stunning city. A minimum of 750 euros a month, excluding rent, is thought to be required for only one person to survive. A family of 4 would need to spend about 2,600 euros per month in rent-free housing in Nicosia. Rent in Nicosia is rather inexpensive, as the somewhat higher rent is observed compared to some other cities. Housing costs between 500 and 900 euros in the city's core and between 450 and 800 euros in the suburbs. An apartment in the city costs, on average, 1700 euros per square meter and 1200 euros per square meter outside of the city. Nicosia has comparatively low food consumption costs, with a typical supper costing 12.50 euros in a decent restaurant. Compared to some cities in Europe, the cost of food and alcoholic drinks is virtually the same.

The city of quality and delight offers excellent rates and a simple way of life. Make sure to think about a lifetime of pleasure in the beautiful city of Nicosia with its affordable costs and opportunities.

Average prices in Nicosia (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Amsterdam

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Amsterdam 570$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Amsterdam (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.71 $ Amsterdam

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 16.22 $ Amsterdam

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 27.9 $ Amsterdam

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Amsterdam

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 250 $ Amsterdam

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 170 $ Amsterdam

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1220 $ Amsterdam

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 49.37 $ Amsterdam

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 36.76 $ Amsterdam

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 570 $ Amsterdam

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 300 $ Amsterdam

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 660 $ Amsterdam

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 830 $ Amsterdam

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4100 $ Amsterdam

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1220 $ Amsterdam

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 555 $ Amsterdam

Cheap flights and hotels Amsterdam => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Amsterdam to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Amsterdam - Bargain flights to Amsterdam - Citytrip deal AmsterdamCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Athens

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Athens 530$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Athens (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.37 $ Athens

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 5.01 $ Athens

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 15.1 $ Athens

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 80 $ Athens

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 290 $ Athens

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 100 $ Athens

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 770 $ Athens

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 20.36 $ Athens

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 14.78 $ Athens

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 530 $ Athens

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 343 $ Athens

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 590 $ Athens

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 670 $ Athens

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3590 $ Athens

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 770 $ Athens

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 461 $ Athens

Cheap flights and hotels Athens => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Athens to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Athens - Bargain flights to Athens - Citytrip deal AthensCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Auckland

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Auckland 580$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Auckland (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 3.16 $ Auckland

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 19.72 $ Auckland

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 40.5 $ Auckland

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Auckland

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 210 $ Auckland

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 140 $ Auckland

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1250 $ Auckland

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 63.98 $ Auckland

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 36.42 $ Auckland

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 580 $ Auckland

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 464 $ Auckland

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 650 $ Auckland

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1150 $ Auckland

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4130 $ Auckland

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1250 $ Auckland

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 695 $ Auckland

Cheap flights and hotels Auckland => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Auckland to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Auckland - Bargain flights to Auckland - Citytrip deal AucklandCheapest way to transfer New Zealand Dollar NZD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Bangkok

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bangkok 320$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Bangkok (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.74 $ Bangkok

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 1.85 $ Bangkok

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 3.26 $ Bangkok

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 50 $ Bangkok

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 180 $ Bangkok

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 110 $ Bangkok

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 500 $ Bangkok

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 12.81 $ Bangkok

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 9.53 $ Bangkok

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 320 $ Bangkok

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 518 $ Bangkok

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 220 $ Bangkok

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 530 $ Bangkok

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3110 $ Bangkok

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 500 $ Bangkok

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 323 $ Bangkok

Cheap flights and hotels Bangkok => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bangkok to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bangkok - Bargain flights to Bangkok - Citytrip deal BangkokCheapest way to transfer Thai Baht THB to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Barcelona

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Barcelona 600$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Barcelona (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.32 $ Barcelona

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 10.25 $ Barcelona

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 25.3 $ Barcelona

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Barcelona

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 250 $ Barcelona

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 160 $ Barcelona

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 740 $ Barcelona

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 36.04 $ Barcelona

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 19.79 $ Barcelona

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 600 $ Barcelona

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 350 $ Barcelona

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 570 $ Barcelona

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 820 $ Barcelona

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3390 $ Barcelona

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 740 $ Barcelona

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 530 $ Barcelona

Cheap flights and hotels Barcelona => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Barcelona to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Barcelona - Bargain flights to Barcelona - Citytrip deal BarcelonaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Beijing

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Beijing 350$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Beijing (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.48 $ Beijing

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 4.42 $ Beijing

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 15.5 $ Beijing

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 50 $ Beijing

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 200 $ Beijing

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 100 $ Beijing

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1390 $ Beijing

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 9.27 $ Beijing

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 5.24 $ Beijing

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 350 $ Beijing

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 533 $ Beijing

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 400 $ Beijing

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 490 $ Beijing

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2960 $ Beijing

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1390 $ Beijing

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 351 $ Beijing

Cheap flights and hotels Beijing => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Beijing to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Beijing - Bargain flights to Beijing - Citytrip deal BeijingCheapest way to transfer Yuan Renmibi RMB to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Berlin

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Berlin 620$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Berlin (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.89 $ Berlin

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 14.78 $ Berlin

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 55.1 $ Berlin

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 70 $ Berlin

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 240 $ Berlin

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 120 $ Berlin

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 690 $ Berlin

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 31.63 $ Berlin

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 16.49 $ Berlin

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 620 $ Berlin

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 419 $ Berlin

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 440 $ Berlin

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 880 $ Berlin

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3420 $ Berlin

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 690 $ Berlin

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 447 $ Berlin

Cheap flights and hotels Berlin => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Berlin to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Berlin - Bargain flights to Berlin - Citytrip deal BerlinCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Bogota

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bogota 590$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Bogota (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.72 $ Bogota

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 1.71 $ Bogota

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Bogota

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Bogota

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 280 $ Bogota

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 150 $ Bogota

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 380 $ Bogota

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 14.03 $ Bogota

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 8.28 $ Bogota

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 590 $ Bogota

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 289 $ Bogota

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 280 $ Bogota

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 680 $ Bogota

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2680 $ Bogota

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 380 $ Bogota

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 425 $ Bogota

Cheap flights and hotels Bogota => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bogota to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bogota - Bargain flights to Bogota - Citytrip deal BogotaCheapest way to transfer Colombian Peso COP to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Bratislava

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bratislava 450$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Bratislava (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.90 $ Bratislava

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.31 $ Bratislava

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 8.96 $ Bratislava

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 80 $ Bratislava

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 190 $ Bratislava

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 90 $ Bratislava

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 580 $ Bratislava

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 23.43 $ Bratislava

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 12.79 $ Bratislava

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 450 $ Bratislava

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 302 $ Bratislava

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 220 $ Bratislava

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 900 $ Bratislava

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3550 $ Bratislava

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 580 $ Bratislava

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 371 $ Bratislava

Cheap flights and hotels Bratislava => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bratislava to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bratislava - Bargain flights to Bratislava - Citytrip deal BratislavaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Brussels

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Brussels 580$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Brussels (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.23 $ Brussels

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 12.72 $ Brussels

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 22.8 $ Brussels

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 120 $ Brussels

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 190 $ Brussels

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 140 $ Brussels

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1340 $ Brussels

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 43.97 $ Brussels

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 25.95 $ Brussels

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 580 $ Brussels

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 379 $ Brussels

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 440 $ Brussels

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 980 $ Brussels

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3480 $ Brussels

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1340 $ Brussels

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 578 $ Brussels

Cheap flights and hotels Brussels => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Brussels to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Brussels - Bargain flights to Brussels - Citytrip deal BrusselsCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Bucharest

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bucharest 260$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Bucharest (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.46 $ Bucharest

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 3.31 $ Bucharest

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 14.2 $ Bucharest

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ Bucharest

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 110 $ Bucharest

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 70 $ Bucharest

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 370 $ Bucharest

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 13.05 $ Bucharest

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 8.02 $ Bucharest

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 260 $ Bucharest

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 248 $ Bucharest

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 280 $ Bucharest

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 420 $ Bucharest

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3410 $ Bucharest

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 370 $ Bucharest

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 305 $ Bucharest

Cheap flights and hotels Bucharest => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bucharest to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Bucharest - Bargain flights to Bucharest - Citytrip deal BucharestCheapest way to transfer Romanian LEU to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Budapest

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Budapest 430$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Budapest (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.26 $ Budapest

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 7.28 $ Budapest

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 15.1 $ Budapest

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Budapest

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 220 $ Budapest

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 70 $ Budapest

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 640 $ Budapest

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 22.85 $ Budapest

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 12.63 $ Budapest

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 430 $ Budapest

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 289 $ Budapest

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 290 $ Budapest

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 800 $ Budapest

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3110 $ Budapest

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 640 $ Budapest

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 311 $ Budapest

Cheap flights and hotels Budapest => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Budapest to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Budapest - Bargain flights to Budapest - Citytrip deal BudapestCheapest way to transfer Hungarian Forints HUF to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Buenos Aires

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Buenos Aires 700$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Buenos Aires (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.51 $ Buenos Aires

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 4.75 $ Buenos Aires

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Buenos Aires

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Buenos Aires

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 440 $ Buenos Aires

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 150 $ Buenos Aires

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 710 $ Buenos Aires

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 23.37 $ Buenos Aires

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 20.92 $ Buenos Aires

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 700 $ Buenos Aires

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 462 $ Buenos Aires

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 510 $ Buenos Aires

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1060 $ Buenos Aires

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4330 $ Buenos Aires

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 710 $ Buenos Aires

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 536 $ Buenos Aires

Cheap flights and hotels Buenos Aires => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Buenos Aires to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Buenos Aires - Bargain flights to Buenos Aires - Citytrip deal Buenos AiresCheapest way to transfer Argentinian Peso to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Cairo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Cairo 480$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Cairo (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.22 $ Cairo

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 2.40 $ Cairo

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 4.59 $ Cairo

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Cairo

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 260 $ Cairo

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 80 $ Cairo

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 500 $ Cairo

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 21.84 $ Cairo

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 6.12 $ Cairo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 480 $ Cairo

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 374 $ Cairo

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 250 $ Cairo

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 480 $ Cairo

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2790 $ Cairo

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 500 $ Cairo

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 340 $ Cairo

Cheap flights and hotels Cairo => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Cairo to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Cairo - Bargain flights to Cairo - Citytrip deal CairoCheapest way to transfer Egyptian Pound EGP to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Chicago

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Chicago 700$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Chicago (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.92 $ Chicago

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 12.75 $ Chicago

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 37 $ Chicago

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 100 $ Chicago

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 390 $ Chicago

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 180 $ Chicago

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 2210 $ Chicago

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 54.00 $ Chicago

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 32.33 $ Chicago

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 700 $ Chicago

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 586 $ Chicago

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 1270 $ Chicago

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1120 $ Chicago

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3350 $ Chicago

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 2210 $ Chicago

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 645 $ Chicago

Cheap flights and hotels Chicago => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Chicago to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Chicago - Bargain flights to Chicago - Citytrip deal ChicagoCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Copenhagen

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Copenhagen 780$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Copenhagen (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 4.63 $ Copenhagen

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 15.45 $ Copenhagen

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 49.0 $ Copenhagen

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Copenhagen

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 300 $ Copenhagen

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 190 $ Copenhagen

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1650 $ Copenhagen

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 67.99 $ Copenhagen

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 52.55 $ Copenhagen

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 780 $ Copenhagen

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 471 $ Copenhagen

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 650 $ Copenhagen

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 950 $ Copenhagen

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3630 $ Copenhagen

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1650 $ Copenhagen

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 760 $ Copenhagen

Cheap flights and hotels Copenhagen => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Copenhagen to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Copenhagen - Bargain flights to Copenhagen - Citytrip deal CopenhagenCheapest way to transfer Danish Krone DKK to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Doha

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Doha 740$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Doha (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.92 $ Doha

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 3.66 $ Doha

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Doha

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 100 $ Doha

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 400 $ Doha

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 170 $ Doha

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 2050 $ Doha

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 32.05 $ Doha

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 13.28 $ Doha

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 740 $ Doha

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 426 $ Doha

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 410 $ Doha

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 430 $ Doha

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3980 $ Doha

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 2050 $ Doha

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 545 $ Doha

Cheap flights and hotels Doha => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Doha to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Doha - Bargain flights to Doha - Citytrip deal DohaCheapest way to transfer Qatari Riyal QAR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Dubai

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Dubai 790$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Dubai (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.09 $ Dubai

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.26 $ Dubai

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Dubai

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Dubai

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 430 $ Dubai

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 130 $ Dubai

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1380 $ Dubai

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 43.11 $ Dubai

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 16.79 $ Dubai

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 790 $ Dubai

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 461 $ Dubai

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 890 $ Dubai

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 550 $ Dubai

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2900 $ Dubai

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1380 $ Dubai

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 538 $ Dubai

Cheap flights and hotels Dubai => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Dubai to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Dubai - Bargain flights to Dubai - Citytrip deal DubaiCheapest way to transfer Arab Emirate Dirham AED to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Dublin

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Dublin 660$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Dublin (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 3.15 $ Dublin

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 11.35 $ Dublin

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 30.5 $ Dublin

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Dublin

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 320 $ Dublin

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 160 $ Dublin

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1760 $ Dublin

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 43.25 $ Dublin

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 13.24 $ Dublin

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 660 $ Dublin

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 386 $ Dublin

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 240 $ Dublin

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 540 $ Dublin

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3310 $ Dublin

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1760 $ Dublin

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 615 $ Dublin

Cheap flights and hotels Dublin => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Dublin to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Dublin - Bargain flights to Dublin - Citytrip deal DublinCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Frankfurt

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Frankfurt 700$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Frankfurt (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.97 $ Frankfurt

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 14.97 $ Frankfurt

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 59.4 $ Frankfurt

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 80 $ Frankfurt

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 290 $ Frankfurt

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 120 $ Frankfurt

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1220 $ Frankfurt

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 43.97 $ Frankfurt

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 29.19 $ Frankfurt

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 700 $ Frankfurt

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 379 $ Frankfurt

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 500 $ Frankfurt

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 780 $ Frankfurt

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3420 $ Frankfurt

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1220 $ Frankfurt

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 514 $ Frankfurt

Cheap flights and hotels Frankfurt => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Frankfurt to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Frankfurt - Bargain flights to Frankfurt - Citytrip deal FrankfurtCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Geneva

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Geneva 1020$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Geneva (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 3.12 $ Geneva

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 20.58 $ Geneva

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 77.5 $ Geneva

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 140 $ Geneva

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 410 $ Geneva

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 200 $ Geneva

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1610 $ Geneva

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 83.97 $ Geneva

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 44.07 $ Geneva

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 1020 $ Geneva

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 623 $ Geneva

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 1010 $ Geneva

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1290 $ Geneva

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3750 $ Geneva

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1610 $ Geneva

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 954 $ Geneva

Cheap flights and hotels Geneva => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Geneva to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Geneva - Bargain flights to Geneva - Citytrip deal GenevaCheapest way to transfer Swiss Francs CHF to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Helsinki

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Helsinki 800$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Helsinki (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.88 $ Helsinki

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 15.24 $ Helsinki

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 33.9 $ Helsinki

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 80 $ Helsinki

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 380 $ Helsinki

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 120 $ Helsinki

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1440 $ Helsinki

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 43.97 $ Helsinki

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 36.04 $ Helsinki

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 800 $ Helsinki

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 399 $ Helsinki

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 550 $ Helsinki

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 810 $ Helsinki

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3420 $ Helsinki

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1440 $ Helsinki

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 523 $ Helsinki

Cheap flights and hotels Helsinki => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Helsinki to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Helsinki - Bargain flights to Helsinki - Citytrip deal HelsinkiCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Hong Kong

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Hong Kong 640$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Hong Kong (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.28 $ Hong Kong

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 3.65 $ Hong Kong

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 26.2 $ Hong Kong

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Hong Kong

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 250 $ Hong Kong

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 170 $ Hong Kong

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 2590 $ Hong Kong

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 30.96 $ Hong Kong

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 30.96 $ Hong Kong

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 640 $ Hong Kong

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 511 $ Hong Kong

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 350 $ Hong Kong

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1170 $ Hong Kong

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3480 $ Hong Kong

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 2590 $ Hong Kong

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 410 $ Hong Kong

Cheap flights and hotels Hong Kong => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Hong Kong to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Hong Kong - Bargain flights to Hong Kong - Citytrip deal Hong KongCheapest way to transfer Hong Kong Dollar HKD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Istanbul

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Istanbul 440$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Istanbul (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.74 $ Istanbul

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 5.66 $ Istanbul

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 14.0 $ Istanbul

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Istanbul

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 200 $ Istanbul

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 130 $ Istanbul

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 970 $ Istanbul

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 21.37 $ Istanbul

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 12.57 $ Istanbul

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 440 $ Istanbul

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 410 $ Istanbul

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 460 $ Istanbul

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 530 $ Istanbul

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3550 $ Istanbul

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 970 $ Istanbul

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 464 $ Istanbul

Cheap flights and hotels Istanbul => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Istanbul to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Istanbul - Bargain flights to Istanbul - Citytrip deal IstanbulCheapest way to transfer Turkish Lira TRY to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Jakarta

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Jakarta 690$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Jakarta (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.28 $ Jakarta

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 2.66 $ Jakarta

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 8.49 $ Jakarta

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ Jakarta

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 340 $ Jakarta

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 210 $ Jakarta

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 260 $ Jakarta

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 4.63 $ Jakarta

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 4.50 $ Jakarta

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 690 $ Jakarta

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 358 $ Jakarta

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 170 $ Jakarta

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 440 $ Jakarta

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2940 $ Jakarta

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 260 $ Jakarta

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 311 $ Jakarta

Cheap flights and hotels Jakarta => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Jakarta to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Jakarta - Bargain flights to Jakarta - Citytrip deal JakartaCheapest way to transfer Indonesian Rupee IDR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Johannesburg

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Johannesburg 450$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Johannesburg (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.79 $ Johannesburg

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.34 $ Johannesburg

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 16.6 $ Johannesburg

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ Johannesburg

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 290 $ Johannesburg

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 150 $ Johannesburg

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 690 $ Johannesburg

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 11.81 $ Johannesburg

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 8.20 $ Johannesburg

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 450 $ Johannesburg

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 273 $ Johannesburg

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 220 $ Johannesburg

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 480 $ Johannesburg

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2830 $ Johannesburg

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 690 $ Johannesburg

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 390 $ Johannesburg

Cheap flights and hotels Johannesburg => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Johannesburg to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Johannesburg - Bargain flights to Johannesburg - Citytrip deal JohannesburgCheapest way to transfer South African Rands ZAR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Kiev

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Kiev 550$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Kiev (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.16 $ Kiev

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 1.59 $ Kiev

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 3.28 $ Kiev

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 50 $ Kiev

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 380 $ Kiev

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 90 $ Kiev

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 390 $ Kiev

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 9.90 $ Kiev

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 7.24 $ Kiev

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 550 $ Kiev

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 166 $ Kiev

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 300 $ Kiev

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 750 $ Kiev

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3560 $ Kiev

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 390 $ Kiev

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 208 $ Kiev

Cheap flights and hotels Kiev => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Kiev to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Kiev - Bargain flights to Kiev - Citytrip deal KievCheapest way to transfer Ukrainian Hryvnia UAH to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Kuala Lumpur

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Kuala Lumpur 550$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Kuala Lumpur (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.37 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 2.79 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 8.68 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Kuala Lumpur

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 240 $ Kuala Lumpur

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 70 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 560 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 15.16 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 10.84 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 550 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 292 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 150 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 410 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3440 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 560 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 378 $ Kuala Lumpur

Cheap flights and hotels Kuala Lumpur => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur - Bargain flights to Kuala Lumpur - Citytrip deal Kuala LumpurCheapest way to transfer Malaisian Ringgit MYR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Lima

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Lima 560$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Lima (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.74 $ Lima

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.42 $ Lima

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Lima

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 80 $ Lima

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 290 $ Lima

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 110 $ Lima

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 800 $ Lima

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 14.97 $ Lima

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 8.55 $ Lima

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 560 $ Lima

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 317 $ Lima

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 250 $ Lima

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 570 $ Lima

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4270 $ Lima

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 800 $ Lima

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 414 $ Lima

Cheap flights and hotels Lima => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Lima to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Lima - Bargain flights to Lima - Citytrip deal LimaCheapest way to transfer Nuevo Sol PEN to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Lisbon

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Lisbon 460$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Lisbon (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.82 $ Lisbon

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 8.11 $ Lisbon

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 23.2 $ Lisbon

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Lisbon

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 250 $ Lisbon

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 110 $ Lisbon

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 760 $ Lisbon

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 27.03 $ Lisbon

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 10.63 $ Lisbon

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 460 $ Lisbon

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 299 $ Lisbon

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 280 $ Lisbon

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 780 $ Lisbon

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2970 $ Lisbon

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 760 $ Lisbon

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 394 $ Lisbon

Cheap flights and hotels Lisbon => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Lisbon to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Lisbon - Bargain flights to Lisbon - Citytrip deal LisbonCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Ljubljana

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Ljubljana 490$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Ljubljana (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.53 $ Ljubljana

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 5.51 $ Ljubljana

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 14.0 $ Ljubljana

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Ljubljana

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 240 $ Ljubljana

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 90 $ Ljubljana

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 540 $ Ljubljana

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 33.88 $ Ljubljana

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 17.30 $ Ljubljana

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 490 $ Ljubljana

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 377 $ Ljubljana

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 360 $ Ljubljana

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 640 $ Ljubljana

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3390 $ Ljubljana

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 540 $ Ljubljana

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 346 $ Ljubljana

Cheap flights and hotels Ljubljana => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Ljubljana to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Ljubljana - Bargain flights to Ljubljana - Citytrip deal LjubljanaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and London

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : London 750$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / London (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 4.04 $ London

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 10.09 $ London

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 74.0 $ London

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ London

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 400 $ London

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 180 $ London

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 2360 $ London

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 49.34 $ London

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 24.92 $ London

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 750 $ London

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 568 $ London

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 520 $ London

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1060 $ London

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3150 $ London

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 2360 $ London

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 703 $ London

Cheap flights and hotels London => Nicosia - Cheap flights from London to Nicosia - Cheap flights from London - Bargain flights to London - Citytrip deal LondonCheapest way to transfer British Pound GBP to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Los Angeles

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Los Angeles 620$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Los Angeles (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.50 $ Los Angeles

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 15.65 $ Los Angeles

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 36.6 $ Los Angeles

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 100 $ Los Angeles

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 290 $ Los Angeles

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 150 $ Los Angeles

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1990 $ Los Angeles

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 57.00 $ Los Angeles

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 34.33 $ Los Angeles

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 620 $ Los Angeles

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 516 $ Los Angeles

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 650 $ Los Angeles

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 900 $ Los Angeles

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3500 $ Los Angeles

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1990 $ Los Angeles

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 562 $ Los Angeles

Cheap flights and hotels Los Angeles => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Los Angeles to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Los Angeles - Bargain flights to Los Angeles - Citytrip deal Los AngelesCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Luxembourg

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Luxembourg 720$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Luxembourg (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.16 $ Luxembourg

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 22.34 $ Luxembourg

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 31.5 $ Luxembourg

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 120 $ Luxembourg

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 240 $ Luxembourg

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 150 $ Luxembourg

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 2130 $ Luxembourg

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 67.76 $ Luxembourg

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 27.93 $ Luxembourg

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 720 $ Luxembourg

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 444 $ Luxembourg

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 640 $ Luxembourg

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 720 $ Luxembourg

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4250 $ Luxembourg

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 2130 $ Luxembourg

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 586 $ Luxembourg

Cheap flights and hotels Luxembourg => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Luxembourg to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Luxembourg - Bargain flights to Luxembourg - Citytrip deal LuxembourgCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Lyon

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Lyon 650$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Lyon (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.95 $ Lyon

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 12.04 $ Lyon

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 32.5 $ Lyon

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 70 $ Lyon

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 240 $ Lyon

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 130 $ Lyon

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 670 $ Lyon

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 42.53 $ Lyon

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 22.71 $ Lyon

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 650 $ Lyon

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 413 $ Lyon

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 380 $ Lyon

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 730 $ Lyon

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3330 $ Lyon

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 670 $ Lyon

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 546 $ Lyon

Cheap flights and hotels Lyon => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Lyon to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Lyon - Bargain flights to Lyon - Citytrip deal LyonCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Madrid

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Madrid 650$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Madrid (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.98 $ Madrid

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 11.35 $ Madrid

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 29.0 $ Madrid

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Madrid

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 350 $ Madrid

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 130 $ Madrid

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 900 $ Madrid

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 27.03 $ Madrid

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 19.50 $ Madrid

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 650 $ Madrid

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 315 $ Madrid

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 480 $ Madrid

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 830 $ Madrid

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3820 $ Madrid

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 900 $ Madrid

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 569 $ Madrid

Cheap flights and hotels Madrid => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Madrid to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Madrid - Bargain flights to Madrid - Citytrip deal MadridCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Manama

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Manama 720$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Manama (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.80 $ Manama

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 7.96 $ Manama

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Manama

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Manama

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 390 $ Manama

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 230 $ Manama

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 890 $ Manama

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 23.87 $ Manama

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 13.26 $ Manama

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 720 $ Manama

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 378 $ Manama

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 280 $ Manama

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 680 $ Manama

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3620 $ Manama

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 890 $ Manama

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 583 $ Manama

Cheap flights and hotels Manama => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Manama to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Manama - Bargain flights to Manama - Citytrip deal ManamaCheapest way to transfer Baihrani Dinar BHD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Manila

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Manila 450$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Manila (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.45 $ Manila

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 3.00 $ Manila

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 1.01 $ Manila

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Manila

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 230 $ Manila

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 100 $ Manila

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 190 $ Manila

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 6.18 $ Manila

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 5.40 $ Manila

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 450 $ Manila

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 333 $ Manila

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 160 $ Manila

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 820 $ Manila

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4100 $ Manila

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 190 $ Manila

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 361 $ Manila

Cheap flights and hotels Manila => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Manila to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Manila - Bargain flights to Manila - Citytrip deal ManilaCheapest way to transfer Philippine Peso PHP to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Mexico City

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Mexico City 540$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Mexico City (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.33 $ Mexico City

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 3.66 $ Mexico City

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Mexico City

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 70 $ Mexico City

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 280 $ Mexico City

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 100 $ Mexico City

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 770 $ Mexico City

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 15.34 $ Mexico City

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 11.50 $ Mexico City

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 540 $ Mexico City

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 249 $ Mexico City

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 340 $ Mexico City

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 580 $ Mexico City

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3640 $ Mexico City

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 770 $ Mexico City

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 455 $ Mexico City

Cheap flights and hotels Mexico City => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Mexico City to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Mexico City - Bargain flights to Mexico City - Citytrip deal Mexico CityCheapest way to transfer Mexican Peso MXN to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Miami

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Miami 780$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Miami (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.25 $ Miami

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 14.43 $ Miami

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 33.4 $ Miami

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Miami

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 420 $ Miami

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 240 $ Miami

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1970 $ Miami

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 26.33 $ Miami

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 15.67 $ Miami

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 780 $ Miami

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 583 $ Miami

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 960 $ Miami

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 580 $ Miami

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4190 $ Miami

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1970 $ Miami

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 533 $ Miami

Cheap flights and hotels Miami => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Miami to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Miami - Bargain flights to Miami - Citytrip deal MiamiCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Milan

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Milan 670$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Milan (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.62 $ Milan

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 17.30 $ Milan

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 28.5 $ Milan

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Milan

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 300 $ Milan

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 200 $ Milan

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1340 $ Milan

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 38.11 $ Milan

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 24.06 $ Milan

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 670 $ Milan

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 405 $ Milan

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 1160 $ Milan

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 710 $ Milan

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3240 $ Milan

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1340 $ Milan

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 566 $ Milan

Cheap flights and hotels Milan => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Milan to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Milan - Bargain flights to Milan - Citytrip deal MilanCheapest way to transfer to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Montreal

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Montreal 570$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Montreal (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.63 $ Montreal

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 17.57 $ Montreal

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 52.0 $ Montreal

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Montreal

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 210 $ Montreal

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 120 $ Montreal

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 590 $ Montreal

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 35.28 $ Montreal

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 23.14 $ Montreal

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 570 $ Montreal

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 532 $ Montreal

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 500 $ Montreal

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1120 $ Montreal

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3600 $ Montreal

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 590 $ Montreal

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 560 $ Montreal

Cheap flights and hotels Montreal => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Montreal to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Montreal - Bargain flights to Montreal - Citytrip deal MontrealCheapest way to transfer Canadian Dollar CAD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Moscow

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Moscow 710$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Moscow (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.88 $ Moscow

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 7.88 $ Moscow

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 24.6 $ Moscow

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 110 $ Moscow

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 350 $ Moscow

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 140 $ Moscow

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1020 $ Moscow

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 41.00 $ Moscow

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 28.70 $ Moscow

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 710 $ Moscow

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 336 $ Moscow

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 400 $ Moscow

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 920 $ Moscow

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3340 $ Moscow

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1020 $ Moscow

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 395 $ Moscow

Cheap flights and hotels Moscow => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Moscow to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Moscow - Bargain flights to Moscow - Citytrip deal MoscowCheapest way to transfer Russian Ruble RUB to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Mumbai

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Mumbai 300$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Mumbai (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.74 $ Mumbai

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 1.81 $ Mumbai

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 1.75 $ Mumbai

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ Mumbai

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 170 $ Mumbai

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 100 $ Mumbai

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 550 $ Mumbai

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 13.50 $ Mumbai

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 5.96 $ Mumbai

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 300 $ Mumbai

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 253 $ Mumbai

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 260 $ Mumbai

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 480 $ Mumbai

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3860 $ Mumbai

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 550 $ Mumbai

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 194 $ Mumbai

Cheap flights and hotels Mumbai => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Mumbai to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Mumbai - Bargain flights to Mumbai - Citytrip deal MumbaiCheapest way to transfer Indian Rupee INR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Munich

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Munich 830$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Munich (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.92 $ Munich

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 14.02 $ Munich

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 59.8 $ Munich

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Munich

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 380 $ Munich

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 110 $ Munich

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1370 $ Munich

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 51.18 $ Munich

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 32.80 $ Munich

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 830 $ Munich

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 390 $ Munich

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 720 $ Munich

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 850 $ Munich

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3190 $ Munich

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1370 $ Munich

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 529 $ Munich

Cheap flights and hotels Munich => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Munich to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Munich - Bargain flights to Munich - Citytrip deal MunichCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Nairobi

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Nairobi 380$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Nairobi (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.64 $ Nairobi

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 7.14 $ Nairobi

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 10.0 $ Nairobi

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ Nairobi

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 230 $ Nairobi

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 120 $ Nairobi

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 480 $ Nairobi

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 10.35 $ Nairobi

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 5.35 $ Nairobi

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 380 $ Nairobi

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 318 $ Nairobi

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 220 $ Nairobi

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 710 $ Nairobi

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3470 $ Nairobi

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 480 $ Nairobi

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 355 $ Nairobi

Cheap flights and hotels Nairobi => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Nairobi to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Nairobi - Bargain flights to Nairobi - Citytrip deal NairobiCheapest way to transfer Kenyan Shilling KES to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and New Delhi

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : New Delhi 340$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / New Delhi (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.37 $ New Delhi

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 1.54 $ New Delhi

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 10.0 $ New Delhi

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ New Delhi

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 220 $ New Delhi

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 110 $ New Delhi

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 640 $ New Delhi

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 11.91 $ New Delhi

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 5.29 $ New Delhi

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 340 $ New Delhi

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 233 $ New Delhi

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 220 $ New Delhi

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 560 $ New Delhi

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4100 $ New Delhi

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 640 $ New Delhi

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 215 $ New Delhi

Cheap flights and hotels New Delhi => Nicosia - Cheap flights from New Delhi to Nicosia - Cheap flights from New Delhi - Bargain flights to New Delhi - Citytrip deal New DelhiCheapest way to transfer Indian Rupee INR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and New York City

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : New York City 1030$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / New York City (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.75 $ New York City

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 11.67 $ New York City

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 52.5 $ New York City

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 100 $ New York City

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 590 $ New York City

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 380 $ New York City

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 3890 $ New York City

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 73.33 $ New York City

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 36.67 $ New York City

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 1030 $ New York City

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 632 $ New York City

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 1040 $ New York City

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 890 $ New York City

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3480 $ New York City

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 3890 $ New York City

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 742 $ New York City

Cheap flights and hotels New York City => Nicosia - Cheap flights from New York City to Nicosia - Cheap flights from New York City - Bargain flights to New York City - Citytrip deal New York CityCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Oslo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Oslo 980$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Oslo (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 3.80 $ Oslo

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 32.10 $ Oslo

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 61.7 $ Oslo

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 150 $ Oslo

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 280 $ Oslo

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 170 $ Oslo

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1940 $ Oslo

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 95.04 $ Oslo

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 77.72 $ Oslo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 980 $ Oslo

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 536 $ Oslo

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 350 $ Oslo

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1100 $ Oslo

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3750 $ Oslo

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1940 $ Oslo

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 817 $ Oslo

Cheap flights and hotels Oslo => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Oslo to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Oslo - Bargain flights to Oslo - Citytrip deal OsloCheapest way to transfer Norwegian Krone NOK to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Paris

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Paris 890$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Paris (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.95 $ Paris

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 12.43 $ Paris

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 43.8 $ Paris

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Paris

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 410 $ Paris

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 130 $ Paris

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1610 $ Paris

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 48.26 $ Paris

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 26.31 $ Paris

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 890 $ Paris

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 425 $ Paris

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 480 $ Paris

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 820 $ Paris

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3420 $ Paris

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1610 $ Paris

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 605 $ Paris

Cheap flights and hotels Paris => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Paris to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Paris - Bargain flights to Paris - Citytrip deal ParisCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Prague

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Prague 500$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Prague (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.18 $ Prague

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.00 $ Prague

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 8.44 $ Prague

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ Prague

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 200 $ Prague

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 90 $ Prague

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 550 $ Prague

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 25.58 $ Prague

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 12.89 $ Prague

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 500 $ Prague

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 251 $ Prague

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 270 $ Prague

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 550 $ Prague

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3120 $ Prague

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 550 $ Prague

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 302 $ Prague

Cheap flights and hotels Prague => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Prague to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Prague - Bargain flights to Prague - Citytrip deal PragueCheapest way to transfer Czech Crowns CZK to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Riga

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Riga 460$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Riga (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.30 $ Riga

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.74 $ Riga

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 7.78 $ Riga

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 70 $ Riga

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 230 $ Riga

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 70 $ Riga

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 360 $ Riga

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 24.87 $ Riga

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 13.70 $ Riga

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 460 $ Riga

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 253 $ Riga

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 290 $ Riga

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 590 $ Riga

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2880 $ Riga

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 360 $ Riga

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 309 $ Riga

Cheap flights and hotels Riga => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Riga to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Riga - Bargain flights to Riga - Citytrip deal RigaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Rio de Janeiro

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Rio de Janeiro 470$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Rio de Janeiro (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.19 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 5.07 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Rio de Janeiro

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 50 $ Rio de Janeiro

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 290 $ Rio de Janeiro

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 110 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 590 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 40.89 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 14.76 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 470 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 330 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 160 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 580 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4170 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 590 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 455 $ Rio de Janeiro

Cheap flights and hotels Rio de Janeiro => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Rio de Janeiro to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Rio de Janeiro - Bargain flights to Rio de Janeiro - Citytrip deal Rio de JaneiroCheapest way to transfer Brazilian Real BRL to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Rome

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Rome 710$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Rome (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.62 $ Rome

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 14.24 $ Rome

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 27.0 $ Rome

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 100 $ Rome

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 380 $ Rome

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 160 $ Rome

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1280 $ Rome

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 48.65 $ Rome

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 17.30 $ Rome

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 710 $ Rome

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 393 $ Rome

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 410 $ Rome

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1070 $ Rome

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3100 $ Rome

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1280 $ Rome

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 512 $ Rome

Cheap flights and hotels Rome => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Rome to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Rome - Bargain flights to Rome - Citytrip deal RomeCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Santiago de Chile

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Santiago de Chile 570$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Santiago de Chile (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.08 $ Santiago de Chile

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 7.08 $ Santiago de Chile

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 9.11 $ Santiago de Chile

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 70 $ Santiago de Chile

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 250 $ Santiago de Chile

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 120 $ Santiago de Chile

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 710 $ Santiago de Chile

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 21.97 $ Santiago de Chile

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 12.48 $ Santiago de Chile

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 570 $ Santiago de Chile

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 308 $ Santiago de Chile

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 280 $ Santiago de Chile

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 560 $ Santiago de Chile

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4180 $ Santiago de Chile

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 710 $ Santiago de Chile

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 444 $ Santiago de Chile

Cheap flights and hotels Santiago de Chile => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Santiago de Chile to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Santiago de Chile - Bargain flights to Santiago de Chile - Citytrip deal Santiago de ChileCheapest way to transfer Chilean Peso CLP to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Sao Paulo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Sao Paulo 500$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Sao Paulo (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.12 $ Sao Paulo

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.48 $ Sao Paulo

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / n.a. $ Sao Paulo

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 80 $ Sao Paulo

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 240 $ Sao Paulo

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 100 $ Sao Paulo

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 910 $ Sao Paulo

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 22.96 $ Sao Paulo

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 14.21 $ Sao Paulo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 500 $ Sao Paulo

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 303 $ Sao Paulo

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 350 $ Sao Paulo

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 510 $ Sao Paulo

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3700 $ Sao Paulo

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 910 $ Sao Paulo

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 515 $ Sao Paulo

Cheap flights and hotels Sao Paulo => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Sao Paulo to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Sao Paulo - Bargain flights to Sao Paulo - Citytrip deal Sao PauloCheapest way to transfer Brazilian Real BRL to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Seoul

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Seoul 670$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Seoul (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.06 $ Seoul

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 4.45 $ Seoul

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 23.0 $ Seoul

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Seoul

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 400 $ Seoul

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 140 $ Seoul

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1140 $ Seoul

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 15.64 $ Seoul

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 9.43 $ Seoul

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 670 $ Seoul

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 688 $ Seoul

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 900 $ Seoul

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 800 $ Seoul

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4480 $ Seoul

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1140 $ Seoul

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 410 $ Seoul

Cheap flights and hotels Seoul => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Seoul to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Seoul - Bargain flights to Seoul - Citytrip deal SeoulCheapest way to transfer South Korean Won KRW to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Shanghai

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Shanghai 670$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Shanghai (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.38 $ Shanghai

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 3.13 $ Shanghai

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 12.0 $ Shanghai

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 70 $ Shanghai

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 470 $ Shanghai

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 140 $ Shanghai

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1090 $ Shanghai

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 16.93 $ Shanghai

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 10.10 $ Shanghai

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 670 $ Shanghai

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 518 $ Shanghai

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 310 $ Shanghai

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 430 $ Shanghai

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 2880 $ Shanghai

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1090 $ Shanghai

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 447 $ Shanghai

Cheap flights and hotels Shanghai => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Shanghai to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Shanghai - Bargain flights to Shanghai - Citytrip deal ShanghaiCheapest way to transfer Renmibi / Yuan RMB to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Sofia

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Sofia 300$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Sofia (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.55 $ Sofia

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 3.04 $ Sofia

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 7.55 $ Sofia

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 50 $ Sofia

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 160 $ Sofia

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 60 $ Sofia

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 310 $ Sofia

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 15.89 $ Sofia

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 11.33 $ Sofia

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 300 $ Sofia

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 214 $ Sofia

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 360 $ Sofia

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 470 $ Sofia

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3050 $ Sofia

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 310 $ Sofia

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 316 $ Sofia

Cheap flights and hotels Sofia => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Sofia to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Sofia - Bargain flights to Sofia - Citytrip deal SofiaCheapest way to transfer Bulgarian LEV BGN to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Stockholm

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Stockholm 610$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Stockholm (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 4.17 $ Stockholm

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 18.56 $ Stockholm

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 41.7 $ Stockholm

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 100 $ Stockholm

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 230 $ Stockholm

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 150 $ Stockholm

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 880 $ Stockholm

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 54.80 $ Stockholm

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 48.82 $ Stockholm

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 610 $ Stockholm

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 437 $ Stockholm

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 550 $ Stockholm

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1120 $ Stockholm

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3330 $ Stockholm

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 880 $ Stockholm

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 557 $ Stockholm

Cheap flights and hotels Stockholm => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Stockholm to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Stockholm - Bargain flights to Stockholm - Citytrip deal StockholmCheapest way to transfer Swedish Krona SEK to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Sydney

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Sydney 690$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Sydney (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.58 $ Sydney

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 11.52 $ Sydney

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 6.8 $ Sydney

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 70 $ Sydney

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 470 $ Sydney

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 170 $ Sydney

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1780 $ Sydney

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 38.64 $ Sydney

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 21.64 $ Sydney

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 690 $ Sydney

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 541 $ Sydney

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 580 $ Sydney

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1120 $ Sydney

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3910 $ Sydney

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1780 $ Sydney

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 667 $ Sydney

Cheap flights and hotels Sydney => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Sydney to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Sydney - Bargain flights to Sydney - Citytrip deal SydneyCheapest way to transfer Australian Dollar AUD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Taipei

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Taipei 820$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Taipei (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.54 $ Taipei

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 4.63 $ Taipei

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 11.3 $ Taipei

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 150 $ Taipei

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 390 $ Taipei

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 120 $ Taipei

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1840 $ Taipei

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 29.04 $ Taipei

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 26.89 $ Taipei

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 820 $ Taipei

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 460 $ Taipei

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 720 $ Taipei

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 620 $ Taipei

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3810 $ Taipei

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1840 $ Taipei

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 517 $ Taipei

Cheap flights and hotels Taipei => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Taipei to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Taipei - Bargain flights to Taipei - Citytrip deal TaipeiCheapest way to transfer New Taiwan Dollar TWD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Tallinn

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Tallinn 540$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Tallinn (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.73 $ Tallinn

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 6.54 $ Tallinn

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 11.7 $ Tallinn

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Tallinn

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 300 $ Tallinn

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 100 $ Tallinn

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 690 $ Tallinn

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 28.83 $ Tallinn

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 14.78 $ Tallinn

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 540 $ Tallinn

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 270 $ Tallinn

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 510 $ Tallinn

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 540 $ Tallinn

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3970 $ Tallinn

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 690 $ Tallinn

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 330 $ Tallinn

Cheap flights and hotels Tallinn => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Tallinn to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Tallinn - Bargain flights to Tallinn - Citytrip deal TallinnCheapest way to transfer Estonian Kroon EEK to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Tel Aviv

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Tel Aviv 650$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Tel Aviv (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.75 $ Tel Aviv

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 10.98 $ Tel Aviv

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 18.7 $ Tel Aviv

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 80 $ Tel Aviv

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 430 $ Tel Aviv

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 190 $ Tel Aviv

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1160 $ Tel Aviv

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 55.92 $ Tel Aviv

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 21.61 $ Tel Aviv

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 650 $ Tel Aviv

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 414 $ Tel Aviv

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 550 $ Tel Aviv

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1090 $ Tel Aviv

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3760 $ Tel Aviv

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1160 $ Tel Aviv

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 548 $ Tel Aviv

Cheap flights and hotels Tel Aviv => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Tel Aviv to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Tel Aviv - Bargain flights to Tel Aviv - Citytrip deal Tel AvivCheapest way to transfer Israeli Shekel ILS to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Tokyo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Tokyo 1000$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Tokyo (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 1.47 $ Tokyo

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 7.31 $ Tokyo

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 51.7 $ Tokyo

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 220 $ Tokyo

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 500 $ Tokyo

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 280 $ Tokyo

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1730 $ Tokyo

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 37.64 $ Tokyo

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 33.18 $ Tokyo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 1000 $ Tokyo

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 582 $ Tokyo

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 790 $ Tokyo

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1580 $ Tokyo

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 4260 $ Tokyo

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1730 $ Tokyo

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 663 $ Tokyo

Cheap flights and hotels Tokyo => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Tokyo to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Tokyo - Bargain flights to Tokyo - Citytrip deal TokyoCheapest way to transfer Japanese Yen JPY to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Toronto

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Toronto 710$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Toronto (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.43 $ Toronto

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 15.88 $ Toronto

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 38.4 $ Toronto

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Toronto

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 390 $ Toronto

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 200 $ Toronto

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1120 $ Toronto

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 26.31 $ Toronto

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 14.84 $ Toronto

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 710 $ Toronto

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 397 $ Toronto

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 450 $ Toronto

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1370 $ Toronto

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3120 $ Toronto

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1120 $ Toronto

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 584 $ Toronto

Cheap flights and hotels Toronto => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Toronto to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Toronto - Bargain flights to Toronto - Citytrip deal TorontoCheapest way to transfer Canadian Dollar CAD to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Vienna

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Vienna 630$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Vienna (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 2.34 $ Vienna

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 14.42 $ Vienna

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 43.3 $ Vienna

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 90 $ Vienna

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 240 $ Vienna

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 90 $ Vienna

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 800 $ Vienna

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 48.65 $ Vienna

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 18.74 $ Vienna

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 630 $ Vienna

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 443 $ Vienna

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 560 $ Vienna

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 740 $ Vienna

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3250 $ Vienna

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 800 $ Vienna

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 446 $ Vienna

Cheap flights and hotels Vienna => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Vienna to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Vienna - Bargain flights to Vienna - Citytrip deal ViennaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Vilnius

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Vilnius 380$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Vilnius (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.90 $ Vilnius

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 4.52 $ Vilnius

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 10.4 $ Vilnius

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 40 $ Vilnius

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 200 $ Vilnius

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 80 $ Vilnius

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 550 $ Vilnius

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 27.03 $ Vilnius

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 16.22 $ Vilnius

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 380 $ Vilnius

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 269 $ Vilnius

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 390 $ Vilnius

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 740 $ Vilnius

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3470 $ Vilnius

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 550 $ Vilnius

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 306 $ Vilnius

Cheap flights and hotels Vilnius => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Vilnius to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Vilnius - Bargain flights to Vilnius - Citytrip deal VilniusCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Warsaw

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Warsaw 490$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Warsaw (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 0.91 $ Warsaw

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 5.64 $ Warsaw

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 13.7 $ Warsaw

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 60 $ Warsaw

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 190 $ Warsaw

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 90 $ Warsaw

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 630 $ Warsaw

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 23.73 $ Warsaw

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 15.22 $ Warsaw

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 490 $ Warsaw

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 253 $ Warsaw

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 500 $ Warsaw

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 640 $ Warsaw

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3810 $ Warsaw

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 630 $ Warsaw

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 309 $ Warsaw

Cheap flights and hotels Warsaw => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Warsaw to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Warsaw - Bargain flights to Warsaw - Citytrip deal WarsawCheapest way to transfer Polish Zloty PLN to Euros EUR

Cost of living comparison by city trip Nicosia and Zurich

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Zurich 1050$ is Nicosia 550$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in Nicosia / Zurich (USD)

    Public transport ticket Nicosia : 1.62 $ / 3.75 $ Zurich

    Taxi (5km) Nicosia : 8.38 $ / 27.59 $ Zurich

    Train (200km) Nicosia : n.a. $ / 73.3 $ Zurich

    Restaurant (2 persons) Nicosia : 50 $ / 150 $ Zurich

    5* hotel Nicosia : 250 $ / 440 $ Zurich

    3* hotel Nicosia : 90 $ / 320 $ Zurich

    Appartment rent Nicosia : 690 $ / 1770 $ Zurich

    Women haircut Nicosia : 38.38 $ / 86.71 $ Zurich

    Men haircut Nicosia : 16.76 $ / 50.79 $ Zurich

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) Nicosia : 550 $ / 1050 $ Zurich

    Food budget Nicosia : 303 $ / 738 $ Zurich

    Clothing budget Nicosia : 590 $ / 680 $ Zurich

    Appliances budget Nicosia : 1150 $ / 1540 $ Zurich

    Electronics budget Nicosia : 3180 $ / 3610 $ Zurich

    Housing budget Nicosia : 690 $ / 1770 $ Zurich

    Services budget Nicosia : 433 $ / 996 $ Zurich

Cheap flights and hotels Zurich => Nicosia - Cheap flights from Zurich to Nicosia - Cheap flights from Zurich - Bargain flights to Zurich - Citytrip deal ZurichCheapest way to transfer Swiss Francs CHF to Euros EUR


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