آرام پاتې کیدل: کورف, یونان

Small and cozy hotel, with a nice location by the old town, this hotel is a cheap alternative to resorts, if you plan to spend most of your time walking in the city and enjoying outdoor. Activities are limited to a breakfast. Hotel staff is friendly and helpful, and will help you organize the excursions you want to. It has air conditioned and wifi functioning quite well, rooms are equipped with empty fridges.

د کورف ښار مرینا هوټل
د کورف ښار مرینا هوټل - د ډوډۍ خونه

 غوره هوټلونه - چېرته پاتې شي  په کورف, یونان ?

د کورف ښار مرینا هوټل
عملي معلومات

قیمتونه :
90 EUR - لګښت-لګښت لګښت

نور عکسونه د کورف ښار مرینا هوټل

د کورف ښار مرینا هوټل په نقشه کې

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