Zvitoro zvakasarudzika: Atene, Girisi

If you are looking for local food to try yourself cooking some of the tasty local recipes, Central market is a good place to find everything you need.

Central Market
Central Market - view on the market

 Kwatingazvitengesa  in Atene, Girisi ?

Central Market
Inoshanda Information

Kero :
Athinas 42, Athina 105 51, Greece (Περιφερειακή Ενότητα Κεντρικού Τομέα Αθηνών)

 GPS :
37.9803678, 23.7272415

 Shanyira Nguva Yekutenda :
2 hours

 Useful links :
Central Market

Central Market pamepu

Pedyo :