Cost of living comparison by city trip London

 Average prices in London

Average prices in London (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $

    5* hotel London : 400 $

    3* hotel London : 180 $

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $

    Food budget London : 568 $

    Clothing budget London : 520 $

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $

    Housing budget London : 2360 $

    Services budget London : 703 $

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Amsterdam

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Amsterdam 570$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Amsterdam (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.71 $ Amsterdam

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 16.22 $ Amsterdam

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 27.9 $ Amsterdam

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Amsterdam

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 250 $ Amsterdam

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 170 $ Amsterdam

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1220 $ Amsterdam

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 49.37 $ Amsterdam

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 36.76 $ Amsterdam

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 570 $ Amsterdam

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 300 $ Amsterdam

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 660 $ Amsterdam

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 830 $ Amsterdam

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4100 $ Amsterdam

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1220 $ Amsterdam

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 555 $ Amsterdam

Cheap flights and hotels Amsterdam => London - Cheap flights from Amsterdam to London - Cheap flights from Amsterdam - Bargain flights to Amsterdam - Citytrip deal AmsterdamCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Athens

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Athens 530$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Athens (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.37 $ Athens

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 5.01 $ Athens

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 15.1 $ Athens

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 80 $ Athens

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 290 $ Athens

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 100 $ Athens

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 770 $ Athens

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 20.36 $ Athens

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 14.78 $ Athens

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 530 $ Athens

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 343 $ Athens

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 590 $ Athens

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 670 $ Athens

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3590 $ Athens

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 770 $ Athens

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 461 $ Athens

Cheap flights and hotels Athens => London - Cheap flights from Athens to London - Cheap flights from Athens - Bargain flights to Athens - Citytrip deal AthensCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Auckland

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Auckland 580$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Auckland (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 3.16 $ Auckland

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 19.72 $ Auckland

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 40.5 $ Auckland

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Auckland

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 210 $ Auckland

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 140 $ Auckland

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1250 $ Auckland

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 63.98 $ Auckland

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 36.42 $ Auckland

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 580 $ Auckland

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 464 $ Auckland

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 650 $ Auckland

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1150 $ Auckland

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4130 $ Auckland

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1250 $ Auckland

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 695 $ Auckland

Cheap flights and hotels Auckland => London - Cheap flights from Auckland to London - Cheap flights from Auckland - Bargain flights to Auckland - Citytrip deal AucklandCheapest way to transfer New Zealand Dollar NZD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Bangkok

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bangkok 320$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Bangkok (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.74 $ Bangkok

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 1.85 $ Bangkok

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 3.26 $ Bangkok

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 50 $ Bangkok

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 180 $ Bangkok

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 110 $ Bangkok

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 500 $ Bangkok

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 12.81 $ Bangkok

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 9.53 $ Bangkok

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 320 $ Bangkok

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 518 $ Bangkok

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 220 $ Bangkok

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 530 $ Bangkok

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3110 $ Bangkok

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 500 $ Bangkok

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 323 $ Bangkok

Cheap flights and hotels Bangkok => London - Cheap flights from Bangkok to London - Cheap flights from Bangkok - Bargain flights to Bangkok - Citytrip deal BangkokCheapest way to transfer Thai Baht THB to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Barcelona

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Barcelona 600$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Barcelona (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.32 $ Barcelona

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 10.25 $ Barcelona

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 25.3 $ Barcelona

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Barcelona

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 250 $ Barcelona

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 160 $ Barcelona

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 740 $ Barcelona

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 36.04 $ Barcelona

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 19.79 $ Barcelona

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 600 $ Barcelona

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 350 $ Barcelona

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 570 $ Barcelona

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 820 $ Barcelona

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3390 $ Barcelona

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 740 $ Barcelona

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 530 $ Barcelona

Cheap flights and hotels Barcelona => London - Cheap flights from Barcelona to London - Cheap flights from Barcelona - Bargain flights to Barcelona - Citytrip deal BarcelonaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Beijing

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Beijing 350$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Beijing (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.48 $ Beijing

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 4.42 $ Beijing

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 15.5 $ Beijing

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 50 $ Beijing

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 200 $ Beijing

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 100 $ Beijing

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1390 $ Beijing

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 9.27 $ Beijing

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 5.24 $ Beijing

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 350 $ Beijing

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 533 $ Beijing

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 400 $ Beijing

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 490 $ Beijing

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2960 $ Beijing

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1390 $ Beijing

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 351 $ Beijing

Cheap flights and hotels Beijing => London - Cheap flights from Beijing to London - Cheap flights from Beijing - Bargain flights to Beijing - Citytrip deal BeijingCheapest way to transfer Yuan Renmibi RMB to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Berlin

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Berlin 620$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Berlin (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.89 $ Berlin

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 14.78 $ Berlin

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 55.1 $ Berlin

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 70 $ Berlin

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 240 $ Berlin

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 120 $ Berlin

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Berlin

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 31.63 $ Berlin

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 16.49 $ Berlin

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 620 $ Berlin

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 419 $ Berlin

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 440 $ Berlin

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 880 $ Berlin

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3420 $ Berlin

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Berlin

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 447 $ Berlin

Cheap flights and hotels Berlin => London - Cheap flights from Berlin to London - Cheap flights from Berlin - Bargain flights to Berlin - Citytrip deal BerlinCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Bogota

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bogota 590$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Bogota (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.72 $ Bogota

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 1.71 $ Bogota

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Bogota

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Bogota

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 280 $ Bogota

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 150 $ Bogota

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 380 $ Bogota

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 14.03 $ Bogota

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 8.28 $ Bogota

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 590 $ Bogota

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 289 $ Bogota

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 280 $ Bogota

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 680 $ Bogota

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2680 $ Bogota

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 380 $ Bogota

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 425 $ Bogota

Cheap flights and hotels Bogota => London - Cheap flights from Bogota to London - Cheap flights from Bogota - Bargain flights to Bogota - Citytrip deal BogotaCheapest way to transfer Colombian Peso COP to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Bratislava

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bratislava 450$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Bratislava (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.90 $ Bratislava

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.31 $ Bratislava

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 8.96 $ Bratislava

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 80 $ Bratislava

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 190 $ Bratislava

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 90 $ Bratislava

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 580 $ Bratislava

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 23.43 $ Bratislava

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 12.79 $ Bratislava

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 450 $ Bratislava

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 302 $ Bratislava

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 220 $ Bratislava

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 900 $ Bratislava

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3550 $ Bratislava

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 580 $ Bratislava

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 371 $ Bratislava

Cheap flights and hotels Bratislava => London - Cheap flights from Bratislava to London - Cheap flights from Bratislava - Bargain flights to Bratislava - Citytrip deal BratislavaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Brussels

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Brussels 580$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Brussels (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.23 $ Brussels

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 12.72 $ Brussels

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 22.8 $ Brussels

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 120 $ Brussels

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 190 $ Brussels

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 140 $ Brussels

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1340 $ Brussels

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 43.97 $ Brussels

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 25.95 $ Brussels

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 580 $ Brussels

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 379 $ Brussels

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 440 $ Brussels

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 980 $ Brussels

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3480 $ Brussels

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1340 $ Brussels

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 578 $ Brussels

Cheap flights and hotels Brussels => London - Cheap flights from Brussels to London - Cheap flights from Brussels - Bargain flights to Brussels - Citytrip deal BrusselsCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Bucharest

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Bucharest 260$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Bucharest (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.46 $ Bucharest

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 3.31 $ Bucharest

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 14.2 $ Bucharest

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ Bucharest

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 110 $ Bucharest

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 70 $ Bucharest

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 370 $ Bucharest

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 13.05 $ Bucharest

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 8.02 $ Bucharest

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 260 $ Bucharest

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 248 $ Bucharest

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 280 $ Bucharest

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 420 $ Bucharest

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3410 $ Bucharest

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 370 $ Bucharest

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 305 $ Bucharest

Cheap flights and hotels Bucharest => London - Cheap flights from Bucharest to London - Cheap flights from Bucharest - Bargain flights to Bucharest - Citytrip deal BucharestCheapest way to transfer Romanian LEU to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Budapest

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Budapest 430$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Budapest (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.26 $ Budapest

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 7.28 $ Budapest

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 15.1 $ Budapest

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Budapest

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 220 $ Budapest

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 70 $ Budapest

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 640 $ Budapest

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 22.85 $ Budapest

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 12.63 $ Budapest

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 430 $ Budapest

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 289 $ Budapest

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 290 $ Budapest

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 800 $ Budapest

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3110 $ Budapest

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 640 $ Budapest

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 311 $ Budapest

Cheap flights and hotels Budapest => London - Cheap flights from Budapest to London - Cheap flights from Budapest - Bargain flights to Budapest - Citytrip deal BudapestCheapest way to transfer Hungarian Forints HUF to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Buenos Aires

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Buenos Aires 700$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Buenos Aires (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.51 $ Buenos Aires

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 4.75 $ Buenos Aires

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Buenos Aires

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Buenos Aires

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 440 $ Buenos Aires

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 150 $ Buenos Aires

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 710 $ Buenos Aires

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 23.37 $ Buenos Aires

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 20.92 $ Buenos Aires

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 700 $ Buenos Aires

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 462 $ Buenos Aires

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 510 $ Buenos Aires

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1060 $ Buenos Aires

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4330 $ Buenos Aires

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 710 $ Buenos Aires

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 536 $ Buenos Aires

Cheap flights and hotels Buenos Aires => London - Cheap flights from Buenos Aires to London - Cheap flights from Buenos Aires - Bargain flights to Buenos Aires - Citytrip deal Buenos AiresCheapest way to transfer Argentinian Peso to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Cairo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Cairo 480$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Cairo (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.22 $ Cairo

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 2.40 $ Cairo

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 4.59 $ Cairo

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Cairo

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 260 $ Cairo

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 80 $ Cairo

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 500 $ Cairo

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 21.84 $ Cairo

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 6.12 $ Cairo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 480 $ Cairo

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 374 $ Cairo

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 250 $ Cairo

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 480 $ Cairo

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2790 $ Cairo

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 500 $ Cairo

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 340 $ Cairo

Cheap flights and hotels Cairo => London - Cheap flights from Cairo to London - Cheap flights from Cairo - Bargain flights to Cairo - Citytrip deal CairoCheapest way to transfer Egyptian Pound EGP to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Chicago

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Chicago 700$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Chicago (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.92 $ Chicago

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 12.75 $ Chicago

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 37 $ Chicago

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 100 $ Chicago

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 390 $ Chicago

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 180 $ Chicago

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 2210 $ Chicago

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 54.00 $ Chicago

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 32.33 $ Chicago

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 700 $ Chicago

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 586 $ Chicago

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 1270 $ Chicago

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1120 $ Chicago

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3350 $ Chicago

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 2210 $ Chicago

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 645 $ Chicago

Cheap flights and hotels Chicago => London - Cheap flights from Chicago to London - Cheap flights from Chicago - Bargain flights to Chicago - Citytrip deal ChicagoCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Copenhagen

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Copenhagen 780$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Copenhagen (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 4.63 $ Copenhagen

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 15.45 $ Copenhagen

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 49.0 $ Copenhagen

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Copenhagen

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 300 $ Copenhagen

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 190 $ Copenhagen

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1650 $ Copenhagen

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 67.99 $ Copenhagen

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 52.55 $ Copenhagen

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 780 $ Copenhagen

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 471 $ Copenhagen

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 650 $ Copenhagen

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 950 $ Copenhagen

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3630 $ Copenhagen

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1650 $ Copenhagen

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 760 $ Copenhagen

Cheap flights and hotels Copenhagen => London - Cheap flights from Copenhagen to London - Cheap flights from Copenhagen - Bargain flights to Copenhagen - Citytrip deal CopenhagenCheapest way to transfer Danish Krone DKK to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Doha

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Doha 740$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Doha (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.92 $ Doha

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 3.66 $ Doha

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Doha

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 100 $ Doha

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 400 $ Doha

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 170 $ Doha

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 2050 $ Doha

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 32.05 $ Doha

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 13.28 $ Doha

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 740 $ Doha

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 426 $ Doha

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 410 $ Doha

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 430 $ Doha

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3980 $ Doha

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 2050 $ Doha

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 545 $ Doha

Cheap flights and hotels Doha => London - Cheap flights from Doha to London - Cheap flights from Doha - Bargain flights to Doha - Citytrip deal DohaCheapest way to transfer Qatari Riyal QAR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Dubai

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Dubai 790$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Dubai (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.09 $ Dubai

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.26 $ Dubai

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Dubai

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Dubai

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 430 $ Dubai

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 130 $ Dubai

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1380 $ Dubai

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 43.11 $ Dubai

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 16.79 $ Dubai

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 790 $ Dubai

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 461 $ Dubai

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 890 $ Dubai

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 550 $ Dubai

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2900 $ Dubai

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1380 $ Dubai

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 538 $ Dubai

Cheap flights and hotels Dubai => London - Cheap flights from Dubai to London - Cheap flights from Dubai - Bargain flights to Dubai - Citytrip deal DubaiCheapest way to transfer Arab Emirate Dirham AED to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Dublin

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Dublin 660$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Dublin (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 3.15 $ Dublin

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 11.35 $ Dublin

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 30.5 $ Dublin

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Dublin

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 320 $ Dublin

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 160 $ Dublin

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1760 $ Dublin

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 43.25 $ Dublin

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 13.24 $ Dublin

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 660 $ Dublin

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 386 $ Dublin

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 240 $ Dublin

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 540 $ Dublin

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3310 $ Dublin

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1760 $ Dublin

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 615 $ Dublin

Cheap flights and hotels Dublin => London - Cheap flights from Dublin to London - Cheap flights from Dublin - Bargain flights to Dublin - Citytrip deal DublinCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Frankfurt

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Frankfurt 700$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Frankfurt (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.97 $ Frankfurt

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 14.97 $ Frankfurt

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 59.4 $ Frankfurt

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 80 $ Frankfurt

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 290 $ Frankfurt

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 120 $ Frankfurt

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1220 $ Frankfurt

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 43.97 $ Frankfurt

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 29.19 $ Frankfurt

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 700 $ Frankfurt

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 379 $ Frankfurt

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 500 $ Frankfurt

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 780 $ Frankfurt

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3420 $ Frankfurt

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1220 $ Frankfurt

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 514 $ Frankfurt

Cheap flights and hotels Frankfurt => London - Cheap flights from Frankfurt to London - Cheap flights from Frankfurt - Bargain flights to Frankfurt - Citytrip deal FrankfurtCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Geneva

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Geneva 1020$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Geneva (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 3.12 $ Geneva

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 20.58 $ Geneva

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 77.5 $ Geneva

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 140 $ Geneva

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 410 $ Geneva

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 200 $ Geneva

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1610 $ Geneva

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 83.97 $ Geneva

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 44.07 $ Geneva

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 1020 $ Geneva

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 623 $ Geneva

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 1010 $ Geneva

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1290 $ Geneva

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3750 $ Geneva

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1610 $ Geneva

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 954 $ Geneva

Cheap flights and hotels Geneva => London - Cheap flights from Geneva to London - Cheap flights from Geneva - Bargain flights to Geneva - Citytrip deal GenevaCheapest way to transfer Swiss Francs CHF to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Helsinki

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Helsinki 800$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Helsinki (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.88 $ Helsinki

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 15.24 $ Helsinki

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 33.9 $ Helsinki

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 80 $ Helsinki

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 380 $ Helsinki

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 120 $ Helsinki

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1440 $ Helsinki

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 43.97 $ Helsinki

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 36.04 $ Helsinki

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 800 $ Helsinki

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 399 $ Helsinki

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 550 $ Helsinki

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 810 $ Helsinki

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3420 $ Helsinki

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1440 $ Helsinki

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 523 $ Helsinki

Cheap flights and hotels Helsinki => London - Cheap flights from Helsinki to London - Cheap flights from Helsinki - Bargain flights to Helsinki - Citytrip deal HelsinkiCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Hong Kong

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Hong Kong 640$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Hong Kong (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.28 $ Hong Kong

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 3.65 $ Hong Kong

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 26.2 $ Hong Kong

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Hong Kong

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 250 $ Hong Kong

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 170 $ Hong Kong

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 2590 $ Hong Kong

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 30.96 $ Hong Kong

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 30.96 $ Hong Kong

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 640 $ Hong Kong

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 511 $ Hong Kong

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 350 $ Hong Kong

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1170 $ Hong Kong

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3480 $ Hong Kong

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 2590 $ Hong Kong

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 410 $ Hong Kong

Cheap flights and hotels Hong Kong => London - Cheap flights from Hong Kong to London - Cheap flights from Hong Kong - Bargain flights to Hong Kong - Citytrip deal Hong KongCheapest way to transfer Hong Kong Dollar HKD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Istanbul

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Istanbul 440$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Istanbul (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.74 $ Istanbul

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 5.66 $ Istanbul

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 14.0 $ Istanbul

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Istanbul

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 200 $ Istanbul

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 130 $ Istanbul

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 970 $ Istanbul

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 21.37 $ Istanbul

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 12.57 $ Istanbul

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 440 $ Istanbul

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 410 $ Istanbul

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 460 $ Istanbul

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 530 $ Istanbul

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3550 $ Istanbul

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 970 $ Istanbul

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 464 $ Istanbul

Cheap flights and hotels Istanbul => London - Cheap flights from Istanbul to London - Cheap flights from Istanbul - Bargain flights to Istanbul - Citytrip deal IstanbulCheapest way to transfer Turkish Lira TRY to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Jakarta

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Jakarta 690$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Jakarta (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.28 $ Jakarta

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 2.66 $ Jakarta

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 8.49 $ Jakarta

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ Jakarta

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 340 $ Jakarta

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 210 $ Jakarta

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 260 $ Jakarta

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 4.63 $ Jakarta

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 4.50 $ Jakarta

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 690 $ Jakarta

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 358 $ Jakarta

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 170 $ Jakarta

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 440 $ Jakarta

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2940 $ Jakarta

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 260 $ Jakarta

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 311 $ Jakarta

Cheap flights and hotels Jakarta => London - Cheap flights from Jakarta to London - Cheap flights from Jakarta - Bargain flights to Jakarta - Citytrip deal JakartaCheapest way to transfer Indonesian Rupee IDR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Johannesburg

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Johannesburg 450$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Johannesburg (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.79 $ Johannesburg

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.34 $ Johannesburg

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 16.6 $ Johannesburg

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ Johannesburg

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 290 $ Johannesburg

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 150 $ Johannesburg

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Johannesburg

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 11.81 $ Johannesburg

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 8.20 $ Johannesburg

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 450 $ Johannesburg

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 273 $ Johannesburg

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 220 $ Johannesburg

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 480 $ Johannesburg

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2830 $ Johannesburg

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Johannesburg

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 390 $ Johannesburg

Cheap flights and hotels Johannesburg => London - Cheap flights from Johannesburg to London - Cheap flights from Johannesburg - Bargain flights to Johannesburg - Citytrip deal JohannesburgCheapest way to transfer South African Rands ZAR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Kiev

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Kiev 550$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Kiev (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.16 $ Kiev

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 1.59 $ Kiev

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 3.28 $ Kiev

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 50 $ Kiev

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 380 $ Kiev

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 90 $ Kiev

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 390 $ Kiev

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 9.90 $ Kiev

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 7.24 $ Kiev

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 550 $ Kiev

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 166 $ Kiev

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 300 $ Kiev

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 750 $ Kiev

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3560 $ Kiev

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 390 $ Kiev

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 208 $ Kiev

Cheap flights and hotels Kiev => London - Cheap flights from Kiev to London - Cheap flights from Kiev - Bargain flights to Kiev - Citytrip deal KievCheapest way to transfer Ukrainian Hryvnia UAH to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Kuala Lumpur

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Kuala Lumpur 550$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Kuala Lumpur (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.37 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 2.79 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 8.68 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Kuala Lumpur

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 240 $ Kuala Lumpur

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 70 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 560 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 15.16 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 10.84 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 550 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 292 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 150 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 410 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3440 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 560 $ Kuala Lumpur

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 378 $ Kuala Lumpur

Cheap flights and hotels Kuala Lumpur => London - Cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur to London - Cheap flights from Kuala Lumpur - Bargain flights to Kuala Lumpur - Citytrip deal Kuala LumpurCheapest way to transfer Malaisian Ringgit MYR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Lima

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Lima 560$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Lima (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.74 $ Lima

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.42 $ Lima

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Lima

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 80 $ Lima

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 290 $ Lima

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 110 $ Lima

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 800 $ Lima

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 14.97 $ Lima

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 8.55 $ Lima

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 560 $ Lima

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 317 $ Lima

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 250 $ Lima

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 570 $ Lima

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4270 $ Lima

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 800 $ Lima

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 414 $ Lima

Cheap flights and hotels Lima => London - Cheap flights from Lima to London - Cheap flights from Lima - Bargain flights to Lima - Citytrip deal LimaCheapest way to transfer Nuevo Sol PEN to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Lisbon

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Lisbon 460$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Lisbon (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.82 $ Lisbon

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 8.11 $ Lisbon

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 23.2 $ Lisbon

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Lisbon

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 250 $ Lisbon

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 110 $ Lisbon

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 760 $ Lisbon

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 27.03 $ Lisbon

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 10.63 $ Lisbon

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 460 $ Lisbon

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 299 $ Lisbon

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 280 $ Lisbon

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 780 $ Lisbon

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2970 $ Lisbon

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 760 $ Lisbon

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 394 $ Lisbon

Cheap flights and hotels Lisbon => London - Cheap flights from Lisbon to London - Cheap flights from Lisbon - Bargain flights to Lisbon - Citytrip deal LisbonCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Ljubljana

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Ljubljana 490$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Ljubljana (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.53 $ Ljubljana

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 5.51 $ Ljubljana

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 14.0 $ Ljubljana

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Ljubljana

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 240 $ Ljubljana

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 90 $ Ljubljana

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 540 $ Ljubljana

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 33.88 $ Ljubljana

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 17.30 $ Ljubljana

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 490 $ Ljubljana

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 377 $ Ljubljana

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 360 $ Ljubljana

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 640 $ Ljubljana

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3390 $ Ljubljana

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 540 $ Ljubljana

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 346 $ Ljubljana

Cheap flights and hotels Ljubljana => London - Cheap flights from Ljubljana to London - Cheap flights from Ljubljana - Bargain flights to Ljubljana - Citytrip deal LjubljanaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Los Angeles

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Los Angeles 620$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Los Angeles (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.50 $ Los Angeles

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 15.65 $ Los Angeles

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 36.6 $ Los Angeles

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 100 $ Los Angeles

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 290 $ Los Angeles

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 150 $ Los Angeles

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1990 $ Los Angeles

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 57.00 $ Los Angeles

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 34.33 $ Los Angeles

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 620 $ Los Angeles

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 516 $ Los Angeles

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 650 $ Los Angeles

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 900 $ Los Angeles

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3500 $ Los Angeles

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1990 $ Los Angeles

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 562 $ Los Angeles

Cheap flights and hotels Los Angeles => London - Cheap flights from Los Angeles to London - Cheap flights from Los Angeles - Bargain flights to Los Angeles - Citytrip deal Los AngelesCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Luxembourg

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Luxembourg 720$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Luxembourg (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.16 $ Luxembourg

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 22.34 $ Luxembourg

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 31.5 $ Luxembourg

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 120 $ Luxembourg

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 240 $ Luxembourg

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 150 $ Luxembourg

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 2130 $ Luxembourg

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 67.76 $ Luxembourg

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 27.93 $ Luxembourg

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 720 $ Luxembourg

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 444 $ Luxembourg

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 640 $ Luxembourg

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 720 $ Luxembourg

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4250 $ Luxembourg

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 2130 $ Luxembourg

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 586 $ Luxembourg

Cheap flights and hotels Luxembourg => London - Cheap flights from Luxembourg to London - Cheap flights from Luxembourg - Bargain flights to Luxembourg - Citytrip deal LuxembourgCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Lyon

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Lyon 650$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Lyon (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.95 $ Lyon

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 12.04 $ Lyon

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 32.5 $ Lyon

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 70 $ Lyon

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 240 $ Lyon

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 130 $ Lyon

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 670 $ Lyon

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 42.53 $ Lyon

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 22.71 $ Lyon

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 650 $ Lyon

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 413 $ Lyon

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 380 $ Lyon

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 730 $ Lyon

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3330 $ Lyon

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 670 $ Lyon

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 546 $ Lyon

Cheap flights and hotels Lyon => London - Cheap flights from Lyon to London - Cheap flights from Lyon - Bargain flights to Lyon - Citytrip deal LyonCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Madrid

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Madrid 650$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Madrid (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.98 $ Madrid

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 11.35 $ Madrid

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 29.0 $ Madrid

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Madrid

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 350 $ Madrid

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 130 $ Madrid

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 900 $ Madrid

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 27.03 $ Madrid

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 19.50 $ Madrid

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 650 $ Madrid

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 315 $ Madrid

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 480 $ Madrid

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 830 $ Madrid

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3820 $ Madrid

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 900 $ Madrid

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 569 $ Madrid

Cheap flights and hotels Madrid => London - Cheap flights from Madrid to London - Cheap flights from Madrid - Bargain flights to Madrid - Citytrip deal MadridCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Manama

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Manama 720$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Manama (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.80 $ Manama

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 7.96 $ Manama

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Manama

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Manama

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 390 $ Manama

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 230 $ Manama

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 890 $ Manama

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 23.87 $ Manama

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 13.26 $ Manama

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 720 $ Manama

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 378 $ Manama

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 280 $ Manama

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 680 $ Manama

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3620 $ Manama

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 890 $ Manama

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 583 $ Manama

Cheap flights and hotels Manama => London - Cheap flights from Manama to London - Cheap flights from Manama - Bargain flights to Manama - Citytrip deal ManamaCheapest way to transfer Baihrani Dinar BHD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Manila

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Manila 450$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Manila (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.45 $ Manila

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 3.00 $ Manila

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 1.01 $ Manila

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Manila

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 230 $ Manila

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 100 $ Manila

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 190 $ Manila

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 6.18 $ Manila

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 5.40 $ Manila

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 450 $ Manila

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 333 $ Manila

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 160 $ Manila

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 820 $ Manila

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4100 $ Manila

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 190 $ Manila

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 361 $ Manila

Cheap flights and hotels Manila => London - Cheap flights from Manila to London - Cheap flights from Manila - Bargain flights to Manila - Citytrip deal ManilaCheapest way to transfer Philippine Peso PHP to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Mexico City

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Mexico City 540$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Mexico City (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.33 $ Mexico City

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 3.66 $ Mexico City

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Mexico City

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 70 $ Mexico City

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 280 $ Mexico City

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 100 $ Mexico City

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 770 $ Mexico City

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 15.34 $ Mexico City

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 11.50 $ Mexico City

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 540 $ Mexico City

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 249 $ Mexico City

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 340 $ Mexico City

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 580 $ Mexico City

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3640 $ Mexico City

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 770 $ Mexico City

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 455 $ Mexico City

Cheap flights and hotels Mexico City => London - Cheap flights from Mexico City to London - Cheap flights from Mexico City - Bargain flights to Mexico City - Citytrip deal Mexico CityCheapest way to transfer Mexican Peso MXN to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Miami

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Miami 780$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Miami (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.25 $ Miami

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 14.43 $ Miami

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 33.4 $ Miami

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Miami

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 420 $ Miami

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 240 $ Miami

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1970 $ Miami

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 26.33 $ Miami

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 15.67 $ Miami

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 780 $ Miami

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 583 $ Miami

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 960 $ Miami

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 580 $ Miami

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4190 $ Miami

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1970 $ Miami

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 533 $ Miami

Cheap flights and hotels Miami => London - Cheap flights from Miami to London - Cheap flights from Miami - Bargain flights to Miami - Citytrip deal MiamiCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Milan

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Milan 670$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Milan (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.62 $ Milan

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 17.30 $ Milan

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 28.5 $ Milan

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Milan

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 300 $ Milan

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 200 $ Milan

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1340 $ Milan

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 38.11 $ Milan

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 24.06 $ Milan

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 670 $ Milan

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 405 $ Milan

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 1160 $ Milan

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 710 $ Milan

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3240 $ Milan

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1340 $ Milan

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 566 $ Milan

Cheap flights and hotels Milan => London - Cheap flights from Milan to London - Cheap flights from Milan - Bargain flights to Milan - Citytrip deal MilanCheapest way to transfer to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Montreal

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Montreal 570$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Montreal (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.63 $ Montreal

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 17.57 $ Montreal

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 52.0 $ Montreal

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Montreal

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 210 $ Montreal

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 120 $ Montreal

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 590 $ Montreal

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 35.28 $ Montreal

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 23.14 $ Montreal

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 570 $ Montreal

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 532 $ Montreal

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 500 $ Montreal

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1120 $ Montreal

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3600 $ Montreal

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 590 $ Montreal

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 560 $ Montreal

Cheap flights and hotels Montreal => London - Cheap flights from Montreal to London - Cheap flights from Montreal - Bargain flights to Montreal - Citytrip deal MontrealCheapest way to transfer Canadian Dollar CAD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Moscow

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Moscow 710$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Moscow (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.88 $ Moscow

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 7.88 $ Moscow

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 24.6 $ Moscow

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 110 $ Moscow

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 350 $ Moscow

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 140 $ Moscow

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1020 $ Moscow

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 41.00 $ Moscow

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 28.70 $ Moscow

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 710 $ Moscow

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 336 $ Moscow

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 400 $ Moscow

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 920 $ Moscow

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3340 $ Moscow

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1020 $ Moscow

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 395 $ Moscow

Cheap flights and hotels Moscow => London - Cheap flights from Moscow to London - Cheap flights from Moscow - Bargain flights to Moscow - Citytrip deal MoscowCheapest way to transfer Russian Ruble RUB to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Mumbai

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Mumbai 300$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Mumbai (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.74 $ Mumbai

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 1.81 $ Mumbai

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 1.75 $ Mumbai

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ Mumbai

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 170 $ Mumbai

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 100 $ Mumbai

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 550 $ Mumbai

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 13.50 $ Mumbai

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 5.96 $ Mumbai

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 300 $ Mumbai

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 253 $ Mumbai

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 260 $ Mumbai

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 480 $ Mumbai

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3860 $ Mumbai

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 550 $ Mumbai

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 194 $ Mumbai

Cheap flights and hotels Mumbai => London - Cheap flights from Mumbai to London - Cheap flights from Mumbai - Bargain flights to Mumbai - Citytrip deal MumbaiCheapest way to transfer Indian Rupee INR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Munich

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Munich 830$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Munich (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.92 $ Munich

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 14.02 $ Munich

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 59.8 $ Munich

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Munich

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 380 $ Munich

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 110 $ Munich

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1370 $ Munich

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 51.18 $ Munich

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 32.80 $ Munich

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 830 $ Munich

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 390 $ Munich

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 720 $ Munich

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 850 $ Munich

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3190 $ Munich

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1370 $ Munich

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 529 $ Munich

Cheap flights and hotels Munich => London - Cheap flights from Munich to London - Cheap flights from Munich - Bargain flights to Munich - Citytrip deal MunichCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Nairobi

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Nairobi 380$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Nairobi (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.64 $ Nairobi

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 7.14 $ Nairobi

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 10.0 $ Nairobi

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ Nairobi

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 230 $ Nairobi

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 120 $ Nairobi

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 480 $ Nairobi

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 10.35 $ Nairobi

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 5.35 $ Nairobi

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 380 $ Nairobi

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 318 $ Nairobi

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 220 $ Nairobi

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 710 $ Nairobi

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3470 $ Nairobi

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 480 $ Nairobi

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 355 $ Nairobi

Cheap flights and hotels Nairobi => London - Cheap flights from Nairobi to London - Cheap flights from Nairobi - Bargain flights to Nairobi - Citytrip deal NairobiCheapest way to transfer Kenyan Shilling KES to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and New Delhi

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : New Delhi 340$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / New Delhi (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.37 $ New Delhi

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 1.54 $ New Delhi

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 10.0 $ New Delhi

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ New Delhi

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 220 $ New Delhi

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 110 $ New Delhi

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 640 $ New Delhi

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 11.91 $ New Delhi

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 5.29 $ New Delhi

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 340 $ New Delhi

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 233 $ New Delhi

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 220 $ New Delhi

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 560 $ New Delhi

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4100 $ New Delhi

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 640 $ New Delhi

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 215 $ New Delhi

Cheap flights and hotels New Delhi => London - Cheap flights from New Delhi to London - Cheap flights from New Delhi - Bargain flights to New Delhi - Citytrip deal New DelhiCheapest way to transfer Indian Rupee INR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and New York City

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : New York City 1030$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / New York City (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.75 $ New York City

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 11.67 $ New York City

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 52.5 $ New York City

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 100 $ New York City

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 590 $ New York City

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 380 $ New York City

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 3890 $ New York City

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 73.33 $ New York City

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 36.67 $ New York City

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 1030 $ New York City

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 632 $ New York City

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 1040 $ New York City

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 890 $ New York City

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3480 $ New York City

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 3890 $ New York City

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 742 $ New York City

Cheap flights and hotels New York City => London - Cheap flights from New York City to London - Cheap flights from New York City - Bargain flights to New York City - Citytrip deal New York CityCheapest way to transfer US Dollar USD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Nicosia

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Nicosia 550$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Nicosia (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.62 $ Nicosia

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 8.38 $ Nicosia

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Nicosia

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 50 $ Nicosia

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 250 $ Nicosia

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 90 $ Nicosia

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Nicosia

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 38.38 $ Nicosia

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 16.76 $ Nicosia

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 550 $ Nicosia

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 303 $ Nicosia

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 590 $ Nicosia

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1150 $ Nicosia

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3180 $ Nicosia

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Nicosia

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 433 $ Nicosia

Cheap flights and hotels Nicosia => London - Cheap flights from Nicosia to London - Cheap flights from Nicosia - Bargain flights to Nicosia - Citytrip deal NicosiaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Oslo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Oslo 980$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Oslo (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 3.80 $ Oslo

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 32.10 $ Oslo

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 61.7 $ Oslo

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 150 $ Oslo

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 280 $ Oslo

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 170 $ Oslo

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1940 $ Oslo

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 95.04 $ Oslo

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 77.72 $ Oslo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 980 $ Oslo

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 536 $ Oslo

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 350 $ Oslo

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1100 $ Oslo

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3750 $ Oslo

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1940 $ Oslo

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 817 $ Oslo

Cheap flights and hotels Oslo => London - Cheap flights from Oslo to London - Cheap flights from Oslo - Bargain flights to Oslo - Citytrip deal OsloCheapest way to transfer Norwegian Krone NOK to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Paris

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Paris 890$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Paris (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.95 $ Paris

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 12.43 $ Paris

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 43.8 $ Paris

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Paris

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 410 $ Paris

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 130 $ Paris

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1610 $ Paris

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 48.26 $ Paris

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 26.31 $ Paris

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 890 $ Paris

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 425 $ Paris

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 480 $ Paris

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 820 $ Paris

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3420 $ Paris

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1610 $ Paris

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 605 $ Paris

Cheap flights and hotels Paris => London - Cheap flights from Paris to London - Cheap flights from Paris - Bargain flights to Paris - Citytrip deal ParisCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Prague

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Prague 500$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Prague (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.18 $ Prague

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.00 $ Prague

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 8.44 $ Prague

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ Prague

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 200 $ Prague

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 90 $ Prague

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 550 $ Prague

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 25.58 $ Prague

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 12.89 $ Prague

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 500 $ Prague

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 251 $ Prague

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 270 $ Prague

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 550 $ Prague

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3120 $ Prague

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 550 $ Prague

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 302 $ Prague

Cheap flights and hotels Prague => London - Cheap flights from Prague to London - Cheap flights from Prague - Bargain flights to Prague - Citytrip deal PragueCheapest way to transfer Czech Crowns CZK to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Riga

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Riga 460$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Riga (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.30 $ Riga

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.74 $ Riga

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 7.78 $ Riga

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 70 $ Riga

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 230 $ Riga

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 70 $ Riga

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 360 $ Riga

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 24.87 $ Riga

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 13.70 $ Riga

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 460 $ Riga

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 253 $ Riga

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 290 $ Riga

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 590 $ Riga

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2880 $ Riga

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 360 $ Riga

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 309 $ Riga

Cheap flights and hotels Riga => London - Cheap flights from Riga to London - Cheap flights from Riga - Bargain flights to Riga - Citytrip deal RigaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Rio de Janeiro

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Rio de Janeiro 470$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Rio de Janeiro (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.19 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 5.07 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Rio de Janeiro

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 50 $ Rio de Janeiro

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 290 $ Rio de Janeiro

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 110 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 590 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 40.89 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 14.76 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 470 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 330 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 160 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 580 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4170 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 590 $ Rio de Janeiro

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 455 $ Rio de Janeiro

Cheap flights and hotels Rio de Janeiro => London - Cheap flights from Rio de Janeiro to London - Cheap flights from Rio de Janeiro - Bargain flights to Rio de Janeiro - Citytrip deal Rio de JaneiroCheapest way to transfer Brazilian Real BRL to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Rome

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Rome 710$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Rome (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.62 $ Rome

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 14.24 $ Rome

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 27.0 $ Rome

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 100 $ Rome

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 380 $ Rome

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 160 $ Rome

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1280 $ Rome

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 48.65 $ Rome

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 17.30 $ Rome

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 710 $ Rome

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 393 $ Rome

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 410 $ Rome

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1070 $ Rome

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3100 $ Rome

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1280 $ Rome

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 512 $ Rome

Cheap flights and hotels Rome => London - Cheap flights from Rome to London - Cheap flights from Rome - Bargain flights to Rome - Citytrip deal RomeCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Santiago de Chile

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Santiago de Chile 570$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Santiago de Chile (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.08 $ Santiago de Chile

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 7.08 $ Santiago de Chile

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 9.11 $ Santiago de Chile

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 70 $ Santiago de Chile

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 250 $ Santiago de Chile

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 120 $ Santiago de Chile

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 710 $ Santiago de Chile

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 21.97 $ Santiago de Chile

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 12.48 $ Santiago de Chile

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 570 $ Santiago de Chile

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 308 $ Santiago de Chile

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 280 $ Santiago de Chile

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 560 $ Santiago de Chile

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4180 $ Santiago de Chile

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 710 $ Santiago de Chile

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 444 $ Santiago de Chile

Cheap flights and hotels Santiago de Chile => London - Cheap flights from Santiago de Chile to London - Cheap flights from Santiago de Chile - Bargain flights to Santiago de Chile - Citytrip deal Santiago de ChileCheapest way to transfer Chilean Peso CLP to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Sao Paulo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Sao Paulo 500$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Sao Paulo (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.12 $ Sao Paulo

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.48 $ Sao Paulo

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / n.a. $ Sao Paulo

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 80 $ Sao Paulo

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 240 $ Sao Paulo

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 100 $ Sao Paulo

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 910 $ Sao Paulo

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 22.96 $ Sao Paulo

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 14.21 $ Sao Paulo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 500 $ Sao Paulo

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 303 $ Sao Paulo

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 350 $ Sao Paulo

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 510 $ Sao Paulo

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3700 $ Sao Paulo

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 910 $ Sao Paulo

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 515 $ Sao Paulo

Cheap flights and hotels Sao Paulo => London - Cheap flights from Sao Paulo to London - Cheap flights from Sao Paulo - Bargain flights to Sao Paulo - Citytrip deal Sao PauloCheapest way to transfer Brazilian Real BRL to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Seoul

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Seoul 670$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Seoul (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.06 $ Seoul

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 4.45 $ Seoul

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 23.0 $ Seoul

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Seoul

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 400 $ Seoul

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 140 $ Seoul

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1140 $ Seoul

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 15.64 $ Seoul

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 9.43 $ Seoul

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 670 $ Seoul

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 688 $ Seoul

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 900 $ Seoul

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 800 $ Seoul

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4480 $ Seoul

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1140 $ Seoul

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 410 $ Seoul

Cheap flights and hotels Seoul => London - Cheap flights from Seoul to London - Cheap flights from Seoul - Bargain flights to Seoul - Citytrip deal SeoulCheapest way to transfer South Korean Won KRW to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Shanghai

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Shanghai 670$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Shanghai (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.38 $ Shanghai

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 3.13 $ Shanghai

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 12.0 $ Shanghai

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 70 $ Shanghai

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 470 $ Shanghai

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 140 $ Shanghai

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1090 $ Shanghai

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 16.93 $ Shanghai

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 10.10 $ Shanghai

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 670 $ Shanghai

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 518 $ Shanghai

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 310 $ Shanghai

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 430 $ Shanghai

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 2880 $ Shanghai

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1090 $ Shanghai

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 447 $ Shanghai

Cheap flights and hotels Shanghai => London - Cheap flights from Shanghai to London - Cheap flights from Shanghai - Bargain flights to Shanghai - Citytrip deal ShanghaiCheapest way to transfer Renmibi / Yuan RMB to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Sofia

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Sofia 300$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Sofia (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.55 $ Sofia

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 3.04 $ Sofia

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 7.55 $ Sofia

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 50 $ Sofia

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 160 $ Sofia

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 60 $ Sofia

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 310 $ Sofia

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 15.89 $ Sofia

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 11.33 $ Sofia

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 300 $ Sofia

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 214 $ Sofia

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 360 $ Sofia

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 470 $ Sofia

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3050 $ Sofia

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 310 $ Sofia

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 316 $ Sofia

Cheap flights and hotels Sofia => London - Cheap flights from Sofia to London - Cheap flights from Sofia - Bargain flights to Sofia - Citytrip deal SofiaCheapest way to transfer Bulgarian LEV BGN to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Stockholm

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Stockholm 610$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Stockholm (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 4.17 $ Stockholm

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 18.56 $ Stockholm

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 41.7 $ Stockholm

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 100 $ Stockholm

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 230 $ Stockholm

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 150 $ Stockholm

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 880 $ Stockholm

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 54.80 $ Stockholm

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 48.82 $ Stockholm

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 610 $ Stockholm

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 437 $ Stockholm

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 550 $ Stockholm

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1120 $ Stockholm

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3330 $ Stockholm

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 880 $ Stockholm

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 557 $ Stockholm

Cheap flights and hotels Stockholm => London - Cheap flights from Stockholm to London - Cheap flights from Stockholm - Bargain flights to Stockholm - Citytrip deal StockholmCheapest way to transfer Swedish Krona SEK to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Sydney

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Sydney 690$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Sydney (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.58 $ Sydney

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 11.52 $ Sydney

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 6.8 $ Sydney

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 70 $ Sydney

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 470 $ Sydney

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 170 $ Sydney

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1780 $ Sydney

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 38.64 $ Sydney

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 21.64 $ Sydney

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 690 $ Sydney

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 541 $ Sydney

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 580 $ Sydney

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1120 $ Sydney

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3910 $ Sydney

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1780 $ Sydney

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 667 $ Sydney

Cheap flights and hotels Sydney => London - Cheap flights from Sydney to London - Cheap flights from Sydney - Bargain flights to Sydney - Citytrip deal SydneyCheapest way to transfer Australian Dollar AUD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Taipei

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Taipei 820$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Taipei (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.54 $ Taipei

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 4.63 $ Taipei

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 11.3 $ Taipei

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 150 $ Taipei

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 390 $ Taipei

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 120 $ Taipei

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1840 $ Taipei

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 29.04 $ Taipei

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 26.89 $ Taipei

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 820 $ Taipei

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 460 $ Taipei

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 720 $ Taipei

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 620 $ Taipei

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3810 $ Taipei

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1840 $ Taipei

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 517 $ Taipei

Cheap flights and hotels Taipei => London - Cheap flights from Taipei to London - Cheap flights from Taipei - Bargain flights to Taipei - Citytrip deal TaipeiCheapest way to transfer New Taiwan Dollar TWD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Tallinn

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Tallinn 540$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Tallinn (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.73 $ Tallinn

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 6.54 $ Tallinn

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 11.7 $ Tallinn

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Tallinn

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 300 $ Tallinn

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 100 $ Tallinn

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Tallinn

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 28.83 $ Tallinn

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 14.78 $ Tallinn

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 540 $ Tallinn

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 270 $ Tallinn

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 510 $ Tallinn

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 540 $ Tallinn

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3970 $ Tallinn

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 690 $ Tallinn

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 330 $ Tallinn

Cheap flights and hotels Tallinn => London - Cheap flights from Tallinn to London - Cheap flights from Tallinn - Bargain flights to Tallinn - Citytrip deal TallinnCheapest way to transfer Estonian Kroon EEK to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Tel Aviv

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Tel Aviv 650$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Tel Aviv (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.75 $ Tel Aviv

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 10.98 $ Tel Aviv

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 18.7 $ Tel Aviv

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 80 $ Tel Aviv

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 430 $ Tel Aviv

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 190 $ Tel Aviv

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1160 $ Tel Aviv

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 55.92 $ Tel Aviv

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 21.61 $ Tel Aviv

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 650 $ Tel Aviv

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 414 $ Tel Aviv

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 550 $ Tel Aviv

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1090 $ Tel Aviv

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3760 $ Tel Aviv

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1160 $ Tel Aviv

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 548 $ Tel Aviv

Cheap flights and hotels Tel Aviv => London - Cheap flights from Tel Aviv to London - Cheap flights from Tel Aviv - Bargain flights to Tel Aviv - Citytrip deal Tel AvivCheapest way to transfer Israeli Shekel ILS to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Tokyo

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Tokyo 1000$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Tokyo (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 1.47 $ Tokyo

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 7.31 $ Tokyo

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 51.7 $ Tokyo

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 220 $ Tokyo

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 500 $ Tokyo

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 280 $ Tokyo

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1730 $ Tokyo

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 37.64 $ Tokyo

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 33.18 $ Tokyo

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 1000 $ Tokyo

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 582 $ Tokyo

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 790 $ Tokyo

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1580 $ Tokyo

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 4260 $ Tokyo

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1730 $ Tokyo

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 663 $ Tokyo

Cheap flights and hotels Tokyo => London - Cheap flights from Tokyo to London - Cheap flights from Tokyo - Bargain flights to Tokyo - Citytrip deal TokyoCheapest way to transfer Japanese Yen JPY to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Toronto

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Toronto 710$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Toronto (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.43 $ Toronto

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 15.88 $ Toronto

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 38.4 $ Toronto

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Toronto

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 390 $ Toronto

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 200 $ Toronto

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1120 $ Toronto

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 26.31 $ Toronto

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 14.84 $ Toronto

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 710 $ Toronto

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 397 $ Toronto

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 450 $ Toronto

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1370 $ Toronto

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3120 $ Toronto

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1120 $ Toronto

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 584 $ Toronto

Cheap flights and hotels Toronto => London - Cheap flights from Toronto to London - Cheap flights from Toronto - Bargain flights to Toronto - Citytrip deal TorontoCheapest way to transfer Canadian Dollar CAD to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Vienna

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Vienna 630$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Vienna (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 2.34 $ Vienna

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 14.42 $ Vienna

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 43.3 $ Vienna

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 90 $ Vienna

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 240 $ Vienna

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 90 $ Vienna

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 800 $ Vienna

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 48.65 $ Vienna

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 18.74 $ Vienna

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 630 $ Vienna

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 443 $ Vienna

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 560 $ Vienna

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 740 $ Vienna

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3250 $ Vienna

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 800 $ Vienna

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 446 $ Vienna

Cheap flights and hotels Vienna => London - Cheap flights from Vienna to London - Cheap flights from Vienna - Bargain flights to Vienna - Citytrip deal ViennaCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Vilnius

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Vilnius 380$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Vilnius (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.90 $ Vilnius

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 4.52 $ Vilnius

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 10.4 $ Vilnius

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 40 $ Vilnius

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 200 $ Vilnius

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 80 $ Vilnius

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 550 $ Vilnius

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 27.03 $ Vilnius

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 16.22 $ Vilnius

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 380 $ Vilnius

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 269 $ Vilnius

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 390 $ Vilnius

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 740 $ Vilnius

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3470 $ Vilnius

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 550 $ Vilnius

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 306 $ Vilnius

Cheap flights and hotels Vilnius => London - Cheap flights from Vilnius to London - Cheap flights from Vilnius - Bargain flights to Vilnius - Citytrip deal VilniusCheapest way to transfer Euros EUR to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Warsaw

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Warsaw 490$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Warsaw (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 0.91 $ Warsaw

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 5.64 $ Warsaw

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 13.7 $ Warsaw

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 60 $ Warsaw

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 190 $ Warsaw

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 90 $ Warsaw

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 630 $ Warsaw

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 23.73 $ Warsaw

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 15.22 $ Warsaw

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 490 $ Warsaw

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 253 $ Warsaw

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 500 $ Warsaw

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 640 $ Warsaw

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3810 $ Warsaw

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 630 $ Warsaw

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 309 $ Warsaw

Cheap flights and hotels Warsaw => London - Cheap flights from Warsaw to London - Cheap flights from Warsaw - Bargain flights to Warsaw - Citytrip deal WarsawCheapest way to transfer Polish Zloty PLN to British Pound GBP

Cost of living comparison by city trip London and Zurich

Comparison for a city trip (1 night, 2 persons, without transport to and from the destination), in USD : Zurich 1050$ is London 750$

For the same life level, according to the 2015 UBS's cost of life index.

Values are in the same currency - check the USD conversion to local currency for the latest conversion rate in destination country.

Average prices in London / Zurich (USD)

    Public transport ticket London : 4.04 $ / 3.75 $ Zurich

    Taxi (5km) London : 10.09 $ / 27.59 $ Zurich

    Train (200km) London : 74.0 $ / 73.3 $ Zurich

    Restaurant (2 persons) London : 60 $ / 150 $ Zurich

    5* hotel London : 400 $ / 440 $ Zurich

    3* hotel London : 180 $ / 320 $ Zurich

    Appartment rent London : 2360 $ / 1770 $ Zurich

    Women haircut London : 49.34 $ / 86.71 $ Zurich

    Men haircut London : 24.92 $ / 50.79 $ Zurich

    Weekend city break (2 persons, 1 hotel night, without flights) London : 750 $ / 1050 $ Zurich

    Food budget London : 568 $ / 738 $ Zurich

    Clothing budget London : 520 $ / 680 $ Zurich

    Appliances budget London : 1060 $ / 1540 $ Zurich

    Electronics budget London : 3150 $ / 3610 $ Zurich

    Housing budget London : 2360 $ / 1770 $ Zurich

    Services budget London : 703 $ / 996 $ Zurich

Cheap flights and hotels Zurich => London - Cheap flights from Zurich to London - Cheap flights from Zurich - Bargain flights to Zurich - Citytrip deal ZurichCheapest way to transfer Swiss Francs CHF to British Pound GBP


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