آرام پاتې کیدل: ډاسلدورف, جرمني

Conveniently situated in center, next to a metro station at walkable distance of the old town, this Japanese hotel is also in the middle of the Japanese area. You'll find plenty of sushis places around. Hotel features a pool and a gym, with free WiFi. Rooms are a little small for European standards. If you stop at the bar, ask for a frozen beer, worth trying !

نککو هوټل
نککو هوټل - د نککو هوټل ډیزیلډیرف کې معیاري دوه ځله خونه

 غوره هوټلونه - چېرته پاتې شي  په ډاسلدورف, جرمني ?

نککو هوټل
عملي معلومات

قیمتونه :
90 EUR - لګښت-لګښت لګښت

نککو هوټل په نقشه کې

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