ښکلي نظرونه: استولوم, سویډن

With many small street, on an island in the center of Stockholm, the old town is a must see. Buildings are beautiful to watch, many terraces are opened in summer, and you might be charmed by some street performances.

زوړ ښارګوټوم
زوړ ښارګوټوم - د سټولولم ښارګوټی

 څه لیدل کیږي  په استولوم, سویډن ?

زوړ ښارګوټوم
عملي معلومات

پته :
Gamla stan, Stockholm, Sweden (Gamla stan)

 GPS :
59.3249529, 18.0706425

 موده وګورئ :
1 hour

 ګټور لینکونه :
زوړ ښارګوټوم

زوړ ښارګوټوم په نقشه کې

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