آرام پاتې کیدل: ییران, ارمنستان

This nice hotel situated in center of Yerevan, at walkable distance from many points of interests, is a great place to relax. It features a Carribean Pool long enough for a good swim, with a part for kids and a hot tub. Good restaurants, nice rooms with comfortable bed, and a very friendly and helpful staff.

کانګرس هوټل ییران
کانګرس هوټل ییران -

 غوره هوټلونه - چېرته پاتې شي  په ییران, ارمنستان ?

کانګرس هوټل ییران
عملي معلومات

قیمتونه :
90 EUR - لګښت-لګښت لګښت

کانګرس هوټل ییران په نقشه کې

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