Kugara zvakanaka: Warsaw, Porendi

Stayed there for a 2 nights weekend, as it was for once less expensive than concurrents. Who would not offer drinking water or wifi to his guests ? Marriott Warsaw wouldn't. 1h of Wifi in the room (12ZL) is more expensive than 1GB / 30days 3G on my SIM card (10ZL), which is more than enough for a weekend stay... I asked in the reservation to have sleepers and bathrobe ready in the room - got none of them during my stay. Food was okay. Room was generally clean. Furniture is old. Bed is comfortable. Staff was very nice. Location is fine for shopping in zloty tarasy / connection to trainstation, but not to take a stroll, visit old town or party.

Warsaw Marriott Hotel
Warsaw Marriott Hotel -

 Best hotels - Where to stay  in Warsaw, Porendi ?

Warsaw Marriott Hotel
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100 EUR - Dhura-Dhura Dhura

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