Anonaka anodya: Wroclaw, Porendi

With a great summer terrace with plenty of space, allowing you to enjoy some of the street animations, Bernard is a great choice in Wroclaw old town. The service is great, and you will surely enjoy staying for longer only a meal.

Restaurant yeBernard
Restaurant yeBernard - Bernard, dessert mix

 Zvokudya zvepamusoro - Kwokudya kupi  in Wroclaw, Porendi ?

Restaurant yeBernard
Inoshanda Information

Kero :
Rynek 35, 50-102 Wrocław, Poland (Osiedle Stare Miasto)

 GPS :
51.1099333, 17.0335751

 Shanyira Nguva Yekutenda :
1 hour

 Useful links :
Restaurant yeBernard
Mitengo :
15 EUR - Affordable-Affordable Affordable

Restaurant yeBernard pamepu

Pedyo :